The Indiana Ball-Screens offense starts with the post players on the blocks and three guards on the perimeter. 2. I have one player that is a great mid range shot and also should be able to penetrate fairly easily against most defensive players but I really like ball screens and off ball screens as well. RL;[eiV8\pL6SCeIbDhJ2)ri ,qrBox61p76pz3U00,Y6A?gw+C1l4o3 vzT Furthermore, if 2 does not take the jump shot, then 3 could cut to the basket, receive the ball from 2, and score near the rim. <>
Players 1 and 4 occupy the slots, 2 and 3 are on the wings, and 5 is in the low post. When the ball is entered to the nail from the top of the key, wings spot up in open spaces. It's a simple, flexible, and tough offense to defend against if ran correctly. The most common zone, 2-3, allows developing teams to hide certain players on the defensive end. Following that, 1 dribbles to the right side of the court via the ball screen set by 5. You will love the movement and floor balance this offense creates. In this case, a true motion offense (like the 5-out motion) may be preferable. The diagrams below show the ideal spacing for the Swing. Essentially, the defensive team could counter the various cuts, screens, passes, or dribble actions within continuity offenses with strategies or schemes of their own. endobj
International teams have heavily used the European Ball-Screen Offense in the past and current college and professional teams are using variations of it now to spread the floor and stress the defense with multiple pick-and-roll actions. The offense can be initiated with a pass to the slot or the wing. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! Many opposing guards may not be adept at guarding the post. This isnt necessarily a weakness, but if you have a traditional center who is unskilled on the perimeter, understand that the Swing requires him or her to play both inside and outside. In other words, continuity offenses will typically feature one or more fundamental offensive skills of passing, cutting, screening, shooting, or dribbling. Coaching basketball at the youth level invariably involves dealing with zone defenses. You have successfully signed up for the FastModel Sports Library. <>
Porter retired this past spring, but definitely left his mark on Colorado basketball. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies,
Favorite Zone Offensive Sets of 2021 Zone defenses can cause problems for the offense. 4. This offense . 3. Next, 4 cuts to the basket via the screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 2 if open near the basket. After 4 receives the ball, 2 executes a backdoor cut to the basket. It was awesome. His offense doesnt use the back-door cut but instead send the player down to screen. Jtn&v:n*cxJ4&)e1:E?QjtS,ULZ1d.F"EHt@tu>Nt. NEW DVD! A continuity ball screen offense is a basketball offensive strategy that seeks to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter by utilizing ball screens or pick and roll action with a constant sequence on both sides of the floor. Please enter the email address for your account. As that happens, 2 fills the top while 4 fills the left side wing area. At the same time, 2 cuts to the vacant right side corner area. If we have this on file, we will send an email containing a code that you will enter on the next page. Difficult to Defend - It forces the defense to guard consecutive actions. Additionally, 5 receives the ball from 2 and after that, 2 self replaces near the right side wing area. 5. If open, 3 receives the ball from 4. Improve your teams offensive efficiency by implementing the Swing! It is very difficult for a defense to continue to guard multiple ball-screen actions with good players on offense. )y1 &7j2Uog5o EQuG&JW[[Q@!FM"o .3:I@ " ~]rH;tM";*6M !8k,^@q1H[pq5vQb!sDy=b?@ I have seen this offense used by several teams including team USA. Additionally, 4 fills the right side low post block while 3 self replaces at the right side wing. Before retiring, he was 10th on the list of wins for active Division II coaches and is 31st all-time for Division II wins. endobj
From that point, if 3 does not shoot the ball, then 3 could dribble towards the right slot to execute the continuity patter again. endobj <> The weak forward needs to read the ball screen and replace to the opposite side of the penetration. Teaches the Entire Game - It is a good skill development offense because all players play inside and out. hb```". Player 5 can then step out for an easier wing entry. 21 0 obj The flex offense diagrammed here is the basic flex offense. In other words, each player will usually be able to contribute to the basketball offense action in a meaningful way at some point in time. They both are great, I like the A-Set better, but I really want a continuity offense and not sure I can get that out of the A-Set like I can in this European Ball Screen Offense. 1 dribbles down to the right wing to initiate the offense. There are also other cuts, flashes, and movements to create open shots. If 4 is not open, then 4 fills the right side low post block. 4 occupies the high post, while 5 takes the low post. Princeton backdoor action, spacing and cutting with hard to disrupt continuity that will allow you to take advantage of any type of defense (overplay, sagging or trapping). endstream
Also, it can easily be learned by high school players, and most likely junior high players as well. This, in turn, opens up the low post, which also influences the low post defenders to play away from the basket. %PDF-1.4
Off of dead balls, it should be common to start here, and can use the 2 or 3 (best penetrator) to initiate. The movements are simple to execute and therefore allow it to be an effective offense for youth teams that come up against a zone. At the same time, 3 executes a cut behind 1 towards the basket. If we have this on file, we will send an email containing a code that you will enter on the next page. 10 0 obj
screen the screener continuity Offense Overview 1 3 2 5 4 Frame 2 The cross screen, down screen is the main action of the offense. Also, as that occurs, 2 fills the right side wing area while 5 cuts to the left side high post elbow area. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store. Otherwise, 4 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 3 cuts to the right slot area via the away screen by 1. The Swing offense is a basketball offensive strategy that begins with a 4 out 1 in formation and incorporates basketball screens, ball reversal, and continuity patterns to generate various scoring options. 08S Kosel and his wife, Molly, live in Colorado Springs. <>
The 5 out motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes the fundamental skills of passing, cutting, and screening as well as continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities, typically near the basket or from the perimeter. The flex requires good offensive spacing and good timing . The Basketball Offense Triangle Continuity has constant movement that sets up back screens, shuffle cuts and screen the screener actions. If a scoring option is not there off of the initial ball screen, 1 reverses the ball to 4. To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 1 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5. 3 cuts behind the zone to the nail. If 4 did not receive the ball from 2, then the chin series flows into the continuity pattern, which would be executed on the opposite side of the floor. If 3 is not open, then 3 continues the cut out towards the left side corner. Following that, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and take the three-point jump shot if open. In 38 years at Regis, he won 538 games. If that is not open, then 2 receives the ball from 4 while 1 cuts to the left slot via the screen away action of 4. Xt iz{>7ax!0G;EjZ
/|R^M:Wfw\;ZPEQGT NG8S:`Ti*xt~U[d Zln&WU}) 0PqM(N;C?f~,. AKup2U^*h#[6K JLAeYG= 7Y.zPi|:"sC! \]^G5n@2xS]." xWn0+xLf/N ][E"Q5NK"9f!7 . This is an example of continuity scoring options within the 4 out 1 in offense that could be beneficial for guard-oriented teams and/or undersized basketball teams in general. Coaches who like the inside game should consider this offense. While ball screens are typically staple counters against man-to-man defense, learning to screen the zone forces the defense to immediately adjust their alignment. 13 0 obj
Additionally, a continuity ball screen offense could also be beneficial for teams that are undersized, specifically at low post positions. a meK\}ZZ2qMRGxUeqX 1 brings the ball down, with 2 and 3 on the wings. If a scoring option is not there off of the initial ball screen, 1 reverses the ball to 4. endobj
This is imperative for a great youth basketball offense. The 1-3-1 zone offense continuity rotation allows the offense to execute these key principles. One notable disadvantage and weakness of a continuity offense is that it could become potentially ineffective against certain types of basketball defense systems or strategies. Affiliate Disclosure : I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links below. The first, and perhaps most important, key to attacking a 2-3 zone remains not settling for a three-point shot. <>
Also against a zone it's easier for perimeter players to rebound because their could be more offensive players on the perimeter and zone defenders near the basket don't have a man in their zone when a shot goes up. endstream
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3. 4. 4 sets a ball-screen for 1 as 2 cuts off of a double-screen from 3 and 5. One of the most common misconceptions to combating a good zone is the reliance on distance shooting. In Porters offense, there is always a down-screen occuring on the opposite side of the ball-screen. Because the offense features four players above the foul line, good drivers will often have room to attack the baseline. stream The 3 out 2 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that seeks to create multiple scoring opportunities through the use of set plays as well as offensive actions such as basketball screens, basketball cuts, continuity patterns and pick and roll options among others. Following that, 3 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 2 if open. A continuity ball screen offense could be considered by teams that are guard-oriented as well as teams that possess speed, quickness, the ability to attack the basket, particularly via the ball screens, and/or adequate three-point shooting skills. This rotation continuity allows an offense to keep flowing and have players cutting and move the ball side to side. Any advice/help would be appreciated. o\+,}Mq'QKl;eVJvqlraXe Z v$ar{3aagPvJ)[:>mn?'ewTKXze"h1_o(N"-_K(R9Yu&)lb.5x-lvSkBhtb\ISQY"T You must penetrate the defense, and the best way to do this is the fast break, because basketball is a full court game, from baseline to baseline. If the defense overplays the elbow cut, or overplays the potential ball reversal at the top, the wing can use the skip pass to the opposite side. It is also derived from The Attacking 3-Out & 4-Out Motion Offense by John Giannini with additional pass and screen away action as well. A BH!R)@ The types of basketball offensive strategies that could implement continuity patterns include systems such as the 3 out 2 in motion offense, the 4 out 1 in motion offense, the 5 out motion offense, the flex offense, and the Princeton offense among others. x DIyNEBB'U3'Pq
6KD-z]uOZc#XS)@ Skip passes and screening the inside and outside of the zone are also effective. Another particular disadvantage of a continuity offense is that it may become insufficient if the offensive team is losing the game, particularly towards the end. Ball Screen Offense Continuity 1 dribbles down to the right wing to initiate the offense. Continuity ball-screen offenses are a great way to build fluidity in your offensive attack. Varying this continuity with an overload option should yield good looks. Dribble penetration vs. the zone defense is key to breaking the defense down. On the other hand, if 5 is not open, then 3 receives the ball from 2. A life-long student of the game, Kosel honed his coaching skills by working summer camps for various programs in Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and New Mexico. endobj
4 pops to the top of the key and 2 cuts behind the zone to the nail. Rules: 1. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases from the website, The circle offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes cuts and continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket. hbbd``b`j@$=Dihf`bdX
To begin, 3 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts to the basket. From this point, the action consists of a backdoor cut with roll and replace continuity pattern. 14 0 obj
If a zone is overloaded on the weakside and a shot is taken from the strong side there is an offensive advantage on the weakside rebound. This could become an issue because the general premise of a continuity offense is to execute the various patterns over and over until the best available scoring opportunity becomes available. Coach Chuck Daly once said, The defense cant guard two things in a row. The Swing uses this principle, as defenders must get through multiple screens each possession. Against an even front zone defense it's good to have an odd front zone offense and against an odd front zone defense it's good to have an even front zone offense. 7
Following that, 1 executes a shallow cut near the left side high post and then pops out to the left side wing. The Wheel offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes cutting and screening actions alongside continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the high post elbow areas of the court. Moreover, 4 fills the vacated left side wing area while 5 cuts to the right side high post elbow area. With the flex offense, you will have great spacing, player movement, and ball movement. endobj
The weak side player sinks to the baseline for a drift pass. <>
h26S0P06W07RwJ,Nu+H)K-LNwKOKs+KJ*RC!ijS~N This is an example of continuity scoring options within the Chin series of the Princeton offense. I ran this offense last season and it is a very good and tough offense to defend. Driving gaps and making 2 defenders play 1 offensive player creates scoring opportunities . <>
From there, the 5 out motion offense could get executed again as a continuity pattern on the left side of the court. All Rights Reserved. If those options are not available, then the continuity could get executed once again by 1 receiving the ball from 2 and then 4 receiving the ball from 1. He also has a masters degree in physical education from the University of Houston. When I was at Haskell Indian Nations University, we used this offense and got a lot of open shots off of the continuity. Click on the pdf link below to download the Double Flash Continuity Ball-Screen Offenses: These two offenses differ quite a bit from the European versions, but serve as great, simple continuity plays for teams at all levels. With defenders occupying designated areas instead of checking specific players, boxing out becomes problematic. On the other hand, if 5 is not open, then 3 receives the ball from 2. (~@^w?+rWcqG"KcuU5Sl t4e=J{OMB
m>'.RufWj\IItca rN84;Bh!BDr.g { In addition, you can add in tweaks of your own such as a pick and pop option for your 4. 19 0 obj
Description THE EUROPEAN BALL SCREEN OFFENSE The Euro Ball Screen Offense is a popular continuity offense that incorporates side-to-side ball movement, wing pick-and-rolls, high-low opportunities, and backdoor cuts. Teams will likely try to deny passes to break the pattern of the Swing. The continuity aspect of this offense helps your team extend possessions and play on multiple sides of the floor. If 2 is not open on the basket cut, then 4 can dribble away from the zone towards the right side wing area. 5 sets the screen on the wing, then rolls to the basket. Coaches have the freedom to implement their own post entry rules into this offense. Coach Izzo from Michigan St. has some great quick hitters out of the 1-3-1 alignment that work well with the 1-3-1 zone continuity "Rotation.". When run correctly, all players will get chances to finish layups and short shots from the post. Obviously, playmaking guards are a centerpiece to this concept. endobj
Otherwise, 5 receives the ball at the top. 8 0 obj
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The circle offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes cuts and continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket. We are looking to create off the ball screen by reading the actions and attacking. The roll should be made with "thrust" down the edge of the lane so the roller can seal to the middle of the lane for the hi/low. % 7 0 obj
This is an example of a scoring option within a continuity ball screen offense which utilizes a 4 out 1 in formation. The Wheel offense is a basketball offensive strategy that features cutting and screening actions as well as continuity patterns to produce scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter. Afterwards, 5 rolls to the basket while 4 replaces at the top. Learn more, Which teams could consider a continuity ball screen offense, What are examples of scoring options within a continuity ball screen offense, Motion and Quick Hitter Offenses Against a Man or Zone Defense, The Attacking 3-Out & 4-Out Motion Offense. Ball Screen Reads: 5 will set the first ball screen. Following that action, 4 dribbles toward the left side of the court via a ball screen set by 5. university wisconsin runs the same thing! <>
If the defense doesnt adjust, huge openings appear within the zone itself. The reality is, the openings wont appear until more than just the ball moves. These plays and sets create a rhythm and offensive flow that allows the team to stress the opposing defense. If you want to hold the ball until you get a lay up or the final shot to end the quarter, this offense is ideal for those situations. +6 dj! 0
1's primary option should be to turn the corner and attacking to score or draw help to kick to the corner. Copyright Teach Hoops, 2020. To start the continuity, 4 cuts out to the right side corner and then towards the right side wing. Next, 4 receives the ball from 2 and immediately after, 2 cuts to the basket. endobj
The post player (Player 5) can simply step out to back screen the denying defender. ~2|}.Fd&Li)t\&wfd?tMYl endobj
This offense provides structure and works well with combo guards and athletic forwards while making it difficult to focus on any player. 1 attacks the ball screen and looks to score. I also made a little adjustment to it and went with a 3-2 look with the bigs starting down on the Blocks. 1 passes to 2 then cuts through to the opposite corner. The wheel offense was created by Garland . 26 0 obj
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During this time, the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers used the triangle offense to captured 11 NBA championships. This playbook also includes a hard hedge option and a dribble hand-off option. <>/F 4/A<>>>
j$F\y K=M,E_k3LIq The Swing lets your guards play with their back to the basket and attack potential mismatches. BJ{fEEOAIGh}#V6Tb#os7RaRupzz
H86= h\E\Ha.@tJ*! The second diagram shows an option if the defense denies the slot pass. by Tex Winter THE TRIANGLE OFFENSE If 3 is open on the cut towards the basket, then 3 could receive the ball from 2 and score with a layup. Easy To Teach - This offense could very easily be taught in one day! Continuity offense stands as one of the most valuable approaches to attacking a 2-3 zone. The Princeton offense is a basketball offensive strategy which utilizes the fundamental skills of cutting, dribbling, passing, screening, and shooting as well as three unique series of actions known as Chin, Low and Point to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter. 23 0 obj
If 2 is not open, then 2 could fill the right side corner. As an example, during one phase of the continuity offense, Player A might set a screen for Player B and then Player C could pass the ball to Player B for an open jump shot. It's also very hard to scout and prepare for once fully implemented, due to its read and react nature. This is a great way to attack a size mismatch inside. Cutting from behind the defense is also hard for a zone defense to guard. One offense that has stood the test of time at the high school and college level is the Swing Offense, created by former Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryan. In this offense, however, 5 stays put at the elbow and 3 serves as the kick out man for 2 if nothing is open on the pick and roll. [ 12 0 R]
Inside Shots - The primary strength of the offense is its ability to create inside shots.