GB News, which people across the UK eagerly anticipated for months before its launch, debuted last week. You could have used your platform to suggest another method of protest. GB News ranking: Victoria Derbyshire reported the latest viewing figures (Image: TWITTER) The top eight channels by views as of last Friday read as follows: BBC Breakfast: 1.4 million Good. The UK Joint Industry Currencies are ABC, Barb, JICPOPS, JICREG, JICWEBS, PAMCO, RAJAR and ROUTE. The fact that our audience has more than doubled in the last decade shows how trusted and increasingly valued BBC services are right around the world., It also highlights the important role we play for Britain on the global stage in carrying the UKs voice, democratic values and influence.. Addressing claims that an episode of the political show hosted by Fiona Bruce had just over 620,000 viewers last month a spokesperson for the BBC said: "This story is completely untrue and the. You knew that earlier. But how do GB News ratings compare with the channels key competitors, BBC and Sky? Lookaround - 62,000. Here are the viewing figures for various shows from Thursday, 24 June, as collected by Media Monitoring Services. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Andrew Neil clashes with GB News guest over Scottish ex-pat indy vote, Boris told to ditch Brexit deal before almost 300 EU rules hit NI, Lilibet Diana backed to be royal 'rift healer' and help resolve issues, Nicola Sturgeon's travel ban 'impossible' to enforce, police say, Rejoiners desperate plot to 'belittle' Britain's new deals exposed. Anne E Schwartz, the journalist who broke the story of his crimes in 1991, told the Independent the streaming series had "sacrificed accuracy for the sake of drama". What would be much more interesting is the BBC viewing figures in Sky + Cable homes only - ie homes where people have a real choice of what to watch. But Forbes' Paul Tassi said: "I don't know if 'liking' the series is the right word, as it's pretty unsettling to watch, but I do think it's well-acted by everyone involved, and the show does do a lot of work to maintain the focus is on the victims, the ineptitude of the police and the damage that Dahmer left in his wake. Many social media users criticised Mr Harri for his actions. With Q2 planning well under way, this report will be a handy guide on what you can expect for the first few months of the new year. They are owned and developed by the communications industry. Speaking to Politics Home, one ex-Number 10 adviser rooting for the channel's success seemed to have lost his early optimism. According to the Global Audience Measure that was published this week, the figures for this year mark the highest global audience the U.K.s main public service broadcaster has ever achieved. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter'. This compares to 15.9m for the BBC News Channel and 10.9m for Sky News, with average daily viewing of three minutes and one minute 39 seconds respectively. Based on market research by BBC commissioning in 2003, EastEnders is most watched by 60- to 74-year-olds, closely followed by 45- to 59-year-olds. We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your Find out more in our Privacy Policy, Advanced TV advertising: everything you need to know, TV advertisings ultimate nickable charts, Click the download button below to save these charts, Giving attention a little attention: download the white paper, Adapting to adversity: advertising lessons from lockdown, As Seen on TV: supercharging your small business, A Matter of Time: the importance of time-length in TV advertising, The Age of Television: the needs that drive us, Profit Ability: the business case for advertising, Profit Ability: download the full report, Get with the programmes: the Thinkbox guide to TV partnerships, Effectiveness in the Digital Era: Media in Focus, Screen Life: TV advertising everywhere 2014, POETIC research: TVs Influence Calculated 2013, The link between creativity and effectiveness 2010, BARB: the gold standard in media research, Media Mix Navigator: There are no guarantees, but there is guidance, Februarys Chart of the Month: Broadcaster TV was two thirds of Barbs identified viewing in Dec 2022. According to this one Twitter user, they likened the longest-serving British monarch's waxwork to Secretary of . The week's end saw some of its flagship programmes failing to perform against other, established stations. This site uses cookies. They are owned and developed by the communications industry. "How many movies/shows/documentaries do we need?". On average, 10.7 million accounts use the online service a week, up from 9.1 million the year before. Hutson said GB News's average . More info. Netflix has been asked for a response to the criticisms. Im all for free speech and open even-handed discussion - this was something entirely different. Freeview. It's sad that they're just making money off of this tragedy. Free Shipping on Orders over $25! Taking the knee is a sign of support and allegiance which first began in 2016 when American footballer Colin Kaepernick took the knee during the national anthem before a match. Line Of Duty viewing figures break records with 11 million viewers. On Thursday night, GB News tweeted: GB News stands four-square against racism in all its forms. Viewing Figures. In the creeks of . Neil Grant: Where is the next generation of fearless current affairs reporters? Advertisers, agencies and media owners work in concert to deliver one, credible and objective trading currency for each medium. BARB recruits 12,000 people across 5,100 households representative of the overall UK viewing public. The highest number of viewers tuning into Farage's self-titled show last week was around 43,900, a for the Monday evening edition. Imelda Staunton in 'The Crown' season five (Netflix) The streaming service's move will also help make decisions surrounding which shows it renews and cancels make more sense. The highest figures for individual channels of these were 13.59 million on BBC One, followed by 4.02 million watching on ITV. Brexit news: Will the EU AXE British TV 'dominance' in Europe? Filter by channel or audience. After . Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Several companies pulled out of advertising for the network, "ensuring its survival". But viewing figures for the council's online meetings appear to have been given a boost from Wrexham AFC's fame. Unfortunately, its modus operandi is to generate viral clips. 1.5 million watched the BBC's two-hour highlight programme on Sunday evening. The currencies are the most robust and comprehensive datasets available. 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. It also does a far better job than ITV in holding its audience multi-channel homes. The numbers are up by 20 million people from the previous period of 2019-2020. The Scottish radio broadcasting veteran announced back in January that he would be stepping down from his late-morning slot on BBC Radio 2 after hosting the primetime show for over three decades from 1986 to 1990, and then again from 1992 to 2023. On August 21, 2017 the British media giant will launch an online portal that will be entirely in Pidgin and feature text news, features and podcasts. The UK Joint Industry Currencies are ABC, Barb, JICPOPS, JICREG, JICWEBS, PAMCO, RAJAR and ROUTE. The language has shifted and evolved uninterrupted since its inception. READ MORE:Andrew Neil erupts at 'disrespectful' remark in huge Covid Twitter row. But this week it was . Advertisers, agencies and media owners work in concert to deliver one, credible and objective trading currency for each medium. GB News debuted on Freeview on June 13 following months of drummed up hype. January saw the launch of winter Love Island on ITV2, the final episode of The Light in the Hall on, Channel 4, the launch of Channel 5s new thriller The Catch, and the highly anticipated post. Traditionally BBC news is the more popular choice when major news stories occur, which appears still to be the case. However, they reached their lowest viewing figures on March . Take out a subscription to get immediate access to Broadcast: Broadcast Intelligence is the only place to get up to date information on the current content needs of 500+ global buyers, a real-time database of greenlit programmes plus networking opportunities. Buy Three Faiths, One God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam - EducationalVersion [DVD] [Manufactured on Demand, Full Frame] at She added: "Could you envisage a more perfect way to get people to watch a TV channel than by telling them not to watch it?". The BBC has its button men in place. The key viewing figures In January, adults watched an average of 2 hours of commercial linear TV each day. BBC News meanwhile grew its audience. Sunday, 2 January 2022 - Reported by Marcus Doctor Who - Eve of the Daleks has an audience of 3.21 million viewers, according to unofficial overnight figures. To descibe Freeview as "multi-channel" is totally . Book a Zoom demo to see what the platform can do for your company. details safe and secure. 28th December 1968 Christmas in the Street - 5,900,000 million homes (15th place) 22nd December 1975 Annie and Betty's Coronation Street Memories - 6,600,000 million homes (5th place) Throughout their tenures as hosts of BBC Breakfast and Good Morning Britain, the former daytime stars were engaged in a usually-playful rivalry that mostly revolved around their viewing figures . Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. We do not have a company line on taking the knee. Netflix's drama about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer has attracted huge viewing figures but also criticism from people who say it's insensitive. Rugby World Cup final's TV viewing figures hit 12.8m peak - the best of 2019. The official viewing figures produced by rating agency Barb revealed Sky News and BBC News registered 50,000 and 62,000 viewers for the same period respectively. Sharp, do your duty. relevant and useful. What the BBC can learn from its global peers Interview: Russell T Davies and Nicola Shindler Fatima Salaria: We would all benefit from taking time out to recharge Features Hot Shots 2022. How they are built and how they work is open to scrutiny they are transparent in what they do. As well as creating the standard metrics that serve as the bedrock for evaluating and trading advertising media, the joint industry currencies also provide critical inputs that enable advertisers and their agencies to understand the effectiveness of cross-media marketing campaigns. This Week is a BBC One current affairs and politics TV programme, and was screened late on Thursday evenings. YouTube has been accused of collecting the viewing data of children aged under 13, in breach of a UK data privacy code designed to protect children. "BBC executives are absolutely delighted that the show . Channel Four and BBC shows still dominated five spots among the top eight performing networks. The key charts from Thinkboxs 2022 study Adnormal Behaviour. Since that time the action has become a prominent anti-racist symbol in sport and during protests. Also the reach of BBC1 and 2 is still over 90% a week. All rights reserved. ", Why some viewers are switching off Netflix, Street fighting in Bakhmut but Russia not in control, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. The Media Mix Navigator tool, powered by econometrics, helps you maximise business returns from your media investment. Please note: Broadcaster channel portfolios reflect the current ownership of the channels. TV ratings are compiled daily by the Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. The viewing figures for the Line of Duty finale have been announced - and they're enormous. Rather than take on the impossible task of monitoring all UK screens at once, BARB instead relies on a sample of 5,300 households - about 12,000 people in total - to represent the viewing habits. GB News POLL: Will Nigel Farage be the best presenter? Despite significant pre-air hype and its all-star but controversial presenter lineup, the channel has got off to a shaky start. And it had immediate success, besting channels such as the BBC and Sky News with more than a quarter of a million viewers. Some of our guests have been in favour, some against. Great British Breakfast attracted 56,000 viewers, and Brazier and Muroki 36,000. In January, adults watched an average of 2 hours of commercial linear TV each day. Click the "CC" icon above to display the notesClick the download button below to save these charts. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. VideoRussian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims, The children left behind in Cuba's mass exodus, Xi Jinping's power grab - and why it matters, Snow, Fire and Lights: Photos of the Week. GB News viewing figures plunge: How do the TV ratings compare between GB News, BBC and Sky? She also said the "depiction of city police officers as racist and homophobic was incorrect". Some remain convinced of its eventual success, however, thanks in part to "cancel culture". For the full lowdown on why TV is the most effective form of advertising download this deck packed with facts and evidence. What is Barb and how do we measure total viewing. As well as demography and geography the panel is selected according to platform, whether the TV set or via desktop, laptop or tablet. Find out more in our Privacy Policy, Advanced TV advertising: everything you need to know, TV advertisings ultimate nickable charts, BARB: the gold standard in media research, Giving attention a little attention: download the white paper, Adapting to adversity: advertising lessons from lockdown, As Seen on TV: supercharging your small business, A Matter of Time: the importance of time-length in TV advertising, The Age of Television: the needs that drive us, Profit Ability: the business case for advertising, Profit Ability: download the full report, Get with the programmes: the Thinkbox guide to TV partnerships, Effectiveness in the Digital Era: Media in Focus, Screen Life: TV advertising everywhere 2014, POETIC research: TVs Influence Calculated 2013, The link between creativity and effectiveness 2010, Media Mix Navigator: There are no guarantees, but there is guidance, Februarys Chart of the Month: Broadcaster TV was two thirds of Barbs identified viewing in Dec 2022. Read about our approach to external linking. This months Chart of the Month shows how Broadcaster TV was two thirds of Barbs identified viewing in December 2022, In turbulent times, businesses become more risk averse. Tournament officials have revealed encouraging viewing figures for the men's, women's and wheelchair competitions so far, with broadcast figures up to and including last Sunday showing a cumulative total of more than 18.7million viewers. But it has stumbled over the last week amid numerous technical hitches and a barrage of prank phone calls. The BBC achieved an average weekly audience rating of 489 million through 2020-2021 and is currently on track to reach - and most likely surpass - its 2022 target of 500 million, coinciding with the corporations 100th anniversary year. Where * is shown, the figures are small but not zero. More info. That's just greed.". BBC News saw viewership fall by 10 percent, with an average audience viewership of 124,000/0.8 percent with its ratings. READ MORE:Cancel culture! Nigel Farage hits out at GB News ad boycott. The news channel said the decision of Mr Harri was an unacceptable breach of our standards. Rita Isbell, whose brother Errol Lindsey was 19 when he was killed, gave an emotional victim impact statement in court in 1992, but said she was not informed it would be recreated in Ryan Murphy's 10-part series. Total Four-Screen Viewing shown from 4th July 2021. A GB News spokesperson declined to say whether Harri, a former spokesperson for Boris Johnson, was still with the channel according to The Guardian. GB News audience numbers also dipped to zero this week at 5pm on Wednesday during a programme co-hosted by ex-BBC presenter Simon McCoy and former UKIP spokesman Alex Phillips. How about some new guests. This dashboard displays the 50 most-watched programmes across all broadcast channels and SVOD services for the chosen week. Posted April 26, 2021 13:09 . Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Line Of Duty broke its own ratings records on BBC One last night (25 April). The GB News presenter, Guto Harri, took the knee in solidarity against the racist abuse suffered by English players. Love Island and Rugby World Cup boosts ITV, Rugby World Cup finals TV viewing figures hit 12.8m peak the best of 2019. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. The Radio Times report that 14.9 million watched the final with Gary Lineker . How they are built and how they work is open to scrutiny they are transparent in what they do. Pidgin takes inspiration from Portuguese, the first European language to reach Nigeria's shores, English, the enduring colonial-era language, as well as Jamaican patois imported by former slaves returning to the continent. Ignore opinions and hearsay, if you want to get the real facts about the time spent watching TV then download this slide deck and get informed. In Britain, a series of recent big budget BBC thrillers have drawn record viewing figures, thanks to a combination of suspenseful writing and weekly episodes. Some have started questioning whether the channel can survive. BBC iPlayer enjoyed record-breaking viewing figures between Christmas and New Year, with 141 million shows streamed during the week from December 27 to January 3, 2022. BBC News role throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in particular was seen as a key driver for the increase in audience numbers, as audiences turned to the network because of its historical reputation as a trusted news source. people actually watch it - more than 3.5 million people every week. The BBC suffered a huge blow to its viewing figures last night after the broadcaster ran the same coverage of Prince Philip's death on multiple channels. Of course not. She told Insider: "When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself - when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said.". This report contains reach, share and time spent viewing data based on two definitions of television viewing (hover over for definition): The report is sorted by share by broadcaster group by default (based on the Total Four-Screen Viewing data for the period); click the arrows in a column header in the two 'sort by' views to sort the table by that value. The language has shifted and evolved uninterrupted since its inception. One person tweeted: They and you know that the overall feeling of the country is that it is derived from a salute to BLM and still is associated with that. You can unsubscribe at any time. An average EastEnders episode attracts a total audience share between 35 and 40 per cent. But compared to the week of August 9 (the last week. But since that time, viewership has clearly dropped off. Last night's viewing figures show the upstart news channel outflanking Sky News and the BBC with its evening programming: both Farage and Brazier smashed Sky News Tonight and BBC News at 8pm, with Dewbs & Co beating News . - EXPLAINERAndrew Neil clashes with GB News guest over Scottish ex-pat indy vote- VIDEOBoris told to ditch Brexit deal before almost 300 EU rules hit NI- INSIGHT. Holby City is yet another casualty of the BBC's obsession with 'youth' . BBC News viewers reached quarterly in the United Kingdom (UK) Q1 2012-Q2 2019 Published by Julia Stoll Julia Stoll Research expert covering TV and video media Get in touch with us now , Jan 13,. "It's retraumatising over and over again, and for what?" China crypto crackdown explained, GB News ranking: GB News is struggling to match up to the BBC despite a strong start, GB News hails boycott victory - List of advertisers BACKING GB News, GB News ranking: Victoria Derbyshire reported the latest viewing figures, GB News ranking: Andrew Neil, GB News chairman, has goals to move GB News abroad, Jeremy Clarkson slams 'halfwits' amid vow to boycott Ikea over GB News, Cancel culture! Nigel Farage hits out at GB News ad boycott. It is a relief to watch a programme which usually manages to present a balanced political view, compared to the default left of centre bias of all other BBC current affairs and news reporting. Are you still watching Winter Love Island? When Farage started at 7pm on August 12, 64,000 viewers had tuned in, while 114,000 people watched Outside Source on the BBC News Channel. Unreported Winning Viewer Numbers mdi-fullscreen. Read about our approach to external linking. All are anti-racist. Totally unacceptable., One Twitter user commented: Go woke, go broke., Another person added: Can only speak for myself but I havent looked at GB News since that Guto Harri guy 'took the knee' live on air. Viewing figures for related broadcasts Besides the regular episodes of Coronation Street, the following programmes also made the weekly charts. Research commissioned while he was still. The. Audience numbers did recover on Wednesday night for Dan Woottons late-night show when 47,000 viewers tuned into the channel. The King tops Christmas Day 2022 TV ratings alongside Strictly and Michael McIntyre, The Queen's funeral watched by more than 25 million viewers, 11 million watch 2022 Eurovision final in UK as Sam Ryder finishes second, The Queen's Christmas message and Strictly Come Dancing top Christmas Day ratings, BBC One's Vigil becomes UK's most watched new drama in three years, Emma Raducanu's US Open final win watched by almost 10 million viewers, Over 30 million watch Euro 2020 final between England and Italy, England's Euro 2020 semi-final match watched by over 27 million, RATINGS! BBC Radio 2 fans are angry after hearing fan favourite Paul O'Grady is being taken off air after 23 years - to be replaced by younger comedian Rob Beckett. I sort of thought, theres definitely a gap here to do a more independent, quite bold news. BBC Cumbria - 50,000. The show's production will begin this summer, and it will air . Total linear TV set viewing (including BBC) was 2 hours, 39 minutes a day. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. The Joint Industry Currencies are unique. The industry created them to provide audience numbers and trading metrics for each advertising medium.