[1], Burkett had received publicity in 2000, after making and then retracting a claim that he had been transferred to Panama for refusing "to falsify personnel records of Governor Bush",[2] and in February 2004, when he claimed to have knowledge of "scrubbing" of Bush's TexANG records. I have gas heat but use this at night to warm my bedroom, rather than raise the thermostat to heat the whole house. The first heater I got didn't run long before one of the elements went out. turning you main source of heat down for the whole house and just warming up the areas you are in with the Eden Pure heater. In response to my last post, I can afford a 300.00 loss due to this scam, but what about the next person. Heating water accounts for approximately 15 percent of a home's energy use. It didn't work so i sent it back to BIO RESEARCH in ohio. So people, please pay attention to this post and others like it and don't fall victim to this Biotech/Eden pure scam. Its a different volume of air being heated for different applications. Publication Date: 05/25/2006 . Thank you so much! Which means you get 100% of what it cost you. It does heat evenly. Baseboard heating provides far more uniform heat distribution. ANY 1500 watt electric heater will give you the exact amount of heat, no matter how much, or how little you pay for it. the other heater 1 year old the heater tube burned out' I saved $200.00 in heating bills , but spent 300.00 more on electricity. has anyone else had this problem and if so can you advise me? I have changed my mind and will not be purchasing the eden pure and will no longer trust Mr. Vila as someone who has MY best interest at heart. The heated air is still coming through the ductwork, and when it reaches the closed vent, it has built up pressure which makes that much more of your heated air be lost through the small openings between the pieces of ductwork. So, all is not equal definitely. Water Heater Installation & Repair Service. This has been disputed. You have to have a control then you have to know all of the temperatures outside, the amount of insulation, the temps in the house, the furnace size and type (gas , electric, propane) how 'tight' the house is and several other factors. Storage heaters work by storing heat generated by cheap night-time electricity and releasing this heat during the day Most storage heaters are wall-mounted and look a bit like radiators. I'm absolutely thrilled with my unit. Your info states 1000 cubic ft but the edenpure.com states 1000 sq ft. you also do no state the type of heaters being compared so this is not an apples to apples comparision just a guess. Heat from any 1500 watt electric heater will cost you $35.60 for 1 million btus of heat if you are paying 12 cents a KWH. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Burkett, William W. (Galena, MO, US) Burkett, Glenda Sue (Galena, MO, US) Application Number: 10/996346 . Have tried it a few times since after unplugging it and the same thing happens, it will run for just a couple of minutes and it dies. Burkett's Heating & Cooling is a premier choice for professional HVAC services in Piqua and Sidney, OH, and surrounding areas. Yes other heaters have safety cut off switches but there not much good if your sofa has set on fire because the fire was too close. No complaints at all. I do not believe Bob Villa has used one for the main heating in his home, but I do believe he has likely used it for zone heating. Answer: A radiant barrier is a thin reflective fabric. Enjoyed reading all the above comments, all valid points, but with all the back and forth opinions, I feel like I've been watching a tennis match. And yes the personal heater that heats 50 s f is only the size Of a prison cell. I needed the one with electric thermostat but I did not get that. This actually makes their heater less efficient. Now if your heating a whole home that uses gas or electric and close off several rooms and used the eden pure to heat a few rooms, sure you will save money. You do the math. He's doing this because he thinks its a good product and it is if used in the right situation. I used to like him on this old house , but like many of the over the hill broke celebs. The Amazon vendor that sells the $15.99 Lasko heater shown above wants $27.00 shipping! State notices to consumers [affirm.com/licenses]. The EP does not outperform the Lasko. What I do not understand is if the heater is so great why are not the customer service personal returning calls. :). From $15 to the cheapest electric coil and fan garage heater (which I wound NOT recommend as it actually burns oxygen in the air), to $250 fancy infrared "wood stove-looking" (electric, of course) heater. A FEW YEARS AGO A CITY ELECTRIC INSPECTER TOLD ME SOMETHING THAT REALLY WORKS. The infrared light (heat) is then reflected back into the home. Our house is more than 2800 square feet (not cubic feet) and we have the heater down stairs. Her hair dryer moves much more air because of its use it moves hot air faster that doesnt mean its producing less heat over all. You are just cutting costs by heating a smaller areasomething you could have done without a $400 space heater. Outputs range from 75,000 Btu to 450,000 Btu. I own a 500 and a 1000,I have breathing problems,used kerosene heaters and about died,plus it cost me $90 or more to warm and leave my house and clothes reeking of kerosene oil!I used the 500 watt in fairly cold weather. Every one I talked to loves there eden pure I going to get one this weekend worth it. i have one, and believe me it has paid for itself, i have hot water heat powered by natural gas. Let me first say, I have been praiseing the Edenpure for about 6 years. Bob Vila was dropped by Sears for problems with post job problems and costs associated. It is designed for heated or cooled air to go through only the vents of the zones you have on. I borrowed one of these heaters from my Mom and it heated the whole back half of my house. This heater will warm almost my entire upstairs, 1250 sq ft. Today, I had my central heat heat on 64 to try to save $$$ on my electricity. I sent it back to get another heater, and GUESS WHAT IT DOESN'T WORK EITHER. Mine stopped working 2nd yr. @$400 no thanks! Whether you like the article or not - the simple fact is any cost savings you are seeing by using an Eden Pure heater is due to the use of "zone heating" I.e. that I happen to agree with. ductwork loses a lot of energy if it is in unheated areas (your attic, your basement, etc.) I did consider the possibility of buying one, but after reading your hub i re-read the brochure and realized that this was also extremely misleading without actually lying. It is a well-marketed $40 electric heater selling for $400 or more. Is it reliable. I was going to purchase another EdenPure this year for the downstairs, but after seeing the .25 per hour and calculating the cost, that will not save money. Asked store manager about the eden pure heater and when we looked online, the same 1500 watt unit is rated at the same 5000+ btu's. For example, an oil based electric heaterit is convection only. [17] The customer service for these things is terrible, they leave you waiting on line for long periods listen to a recording telling you over and over you will wait less than a minute. Thank you guys for the info, I was just about to order an Eden Pure, uffff going to walmart to buy a Lasko or anything else like it. THiS IS FOR JIMS COMMENT,IF U HAVE A HOT WATER HEATER THINK ABOUT WHAT UR SAYING IF THE WATER IS HOT U DONT NEED TO HEAT IT. Are the so called experts on here thick or something. If you need a space heater and you want to needlessly make someone rich by buying something over-priced, by all means go with the Eden. Investigations into his military service led to the Killian documents controversy. Any way, thank you. The square feet/cubic feet issue comes from EdenPURE ads from a few years ago when I wrote the original article. I cannot comment about the energy saving from the Edenpure Gen 4 as it quit working about 2+ months after it was purchased on EBay from Bass Pro Outlets. Whether it saves more money than all the others is not the issue. "CBS Guard Documents Traced to Tex. I spent aA LOT of time researching!! Ads for EdenPURE portable infrared heaters promise energy savings of up to 50 percent. Offering Quality Products that are in stock at great prices and top notch Customer Service are our top concerns. Bradford White Water Heater Thermostat settings | Save MONEY on Your Electric Bill! Because it works and dose save money especially if you have bad heating in your house. Have sent emails to their c/s area but they never respond. I am so glad I stumbled on this site first. He claimed that in 1997, while outside the governor's office in Austin, he overheard a conversation about "wanting to bury George W. Bush's Vietnam service record". Always open. The pilgrim done swallowed the hook too. Out of stock at this time though. Especially true if the ductwork is uninsulated or leaks air. Thanks. We bought edenpure in September. Bill Burkett was the CBS source in the Killian documents affair of 2004. I bought BOTH the heater and the air filter. Space heaters cost about 20 cents per hour to operate, give or take, which is a whole lot cheaper than central heat for a home of almost any size. I will never buy another one and will tell others not to, they are well overrated. d.william from Somewhere in the south on December 01, 2011: Good article. After calling the hardware store that sold the heater was told I would have to contact the company who finally sent a shipping label but the instructions say that you must use the original box. the first home I woned was a manufactured home, and I first used zone-heating to beat the cost of heating the outdoors through the leaky ducts (until I repaired them, of course !) I chose not to not knowing how high those three months would be. For all those engineering types, HVAC types, etc. You can put a sheet of copper in front of your heater and buffer the heat with an electric heater. Sorry about the math confusion, but I really did mean cubic feet, not square feet. cold in massachusetts on January 12, 2011: where can you run a 1500 watt heater all night for $0.23? Bill Burr announced spring and summer North American dates for his Live Nation produced 2022 arena and amphitheater tour, Bill Burr (Slight Return), visiting 23 cities from April through August including Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse on April 23, 2022. If you read EdenPURE ads carefully, you will note they insinuate you only have to heat the room you are in. My personal choice - an oil-filled radiator, with the price tag of around $40 to $60. The Air King 8132 1500 watt ceramic space heater covers areas up to 150 square feet. I was about to order an eden pure online when I saw this site and decided to read consumer comments first. The best way to save money (in the long run), is to not only comply with your electricity company replacing things in your home that will give you a lower rate per kwh. I've found that by partial disassembling them and placing a tiny drop of oil at the motor bearing points they will run for MANY years past their obsolescent date. I know I would not. Get notified about new Tester jobs in Ranst, Flemish Region, Belgium. Signed Mad from South Dakota and hope there is some kind of class action suit taken against Eden Pure and their misleading clan. Question: What is a radiant barrier? Since you heat all the air, nor just the first 12 inches off the floor, cubic feet measurments are required. Call now at (937) 773-8350 to schedule a service request today As for bob vila. Once again use your heads and think about what you need. A good quality heat pump with good ductwork WILL outperform straight resistance electric heat. I bought the Gen4, have it in the living room in the center of the 1250 sq feet, and I have not turned on my heater. So, that means 50,000 in insurance is going to cost that senior 500. a month. 1500 watts of electric heat will cost you the same in a $20.00 heater, or a ripoff $400.00 one. However, the radiant barrier can't be sandwiched between two objects as the contact point transfers heat away quite nicely. Electric heating is a process in which electrical energy is converted directly to heat energy at around 100% efficiency, [contradictory] using rather cheap devices. My wife and I have found that our electric and gas power bills have gone down by more than half, each (we have a gas furnace) since we started using our Life Smart brand infrared heater. Some Of there customers are saving and are willing to talk about it. I've been in the HVAC field for 40 years. Some are made in China using cheap bulbs and some are made in the usa. Patents by Inventor Bill Burkett. This can be an effective do-it-yourself project, just be careful doing so, or get someone experienced to help you. I have a ceramic cube heater I bought 25 years ago for $19.95 that will. Now, here we have a 1500 watt that will be plugged into the same 120 outlet as the Eden Pure, yet the Eden Pure will with its 1500 watts heat up to 1000 sq ft, and this one heats 150?? Otherwise, save yourself about $400 and pick one up from Lowe's. The documents, purported to have been typed in the early 1970s, were likely produced many years later with a computer using Microsoft Word on default settings. Thanks for the good info that saved me. In fact, I had to get up and turn down the heat later as I was sweating. Sorry folks, some things I forgot to point out One item that they point out in the Bob Vila scam (I can't call it anything but!) Look at your furnace's btu rating. The clue is in the word personal . FUVM. Why oil-filled? Bought one of the USA made heaters last year and found the heater to be less effective than any of the other electric heaters I have used in the past. Unplugged edenpure. Dont let anyone tell you the heat from their heaters is better or different. They said they could not do a refund because it was past the 60 days and I said I thought the 60 day thing was for the smart people that decided they didn't want it, not for a DEFECTIVE product of which I have received 2 in a row.Anyway they refused to refund my money so I guess I'm just stuck with this piece of junk. You also only heat one room so it costs over $2 per room at an 8 hour run. The importance of this is any space heater will do that. You should use your own judgement and take some care to buy the right product for you. EdenPUREs manufacturer makes several claims about its heater. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. PERIOD. Talk about a rip off. I was just about to order an edenpure heater. And Sylvania's bulb life testing, like all other lamp manufacturers, is performed in still air with infrequent on/off cycles (once a day to once a week). Save 80 percent off EdenPUREs cost by using a competitors brand. Bill Burkett was the CBS source in the Killian documents affair of 2004. I told her that I wanted my order cancelled and it was I hope. If not there could be an additional charge etc,. is too low you end up, cutting in a supply grill to bring the temp. Amazon has some of the best prices on heaters and ships right to your door. I bet they will not stand behind the heater because you cannot get anyone to answer the phone and they just want you to give up. For the guy who said to close off the rooms and the vents in those rooms, don't you know that can damage your central unit. Furthermore, after you buy the first one they give substantial discounts on future purchases of any of their products. So, for those looking for a way to reduce your bills, why don't you have your attic better insulated, replace your windows (if needed), and have a new heating unit or units installed, finance it all, and pay the extra on the payments instead of on the extra electricity you are using now. However after studying A LOT of them including Duraflame, and all the current ones on the market, I found Dr. Infrared to be the best comparable for a fraction of the cost of EdenPure, as well as the most highly recommended. And Bob Vila?he seems to be trading his trusted reputation for money. Poor Rita still doesn't get that cubic feet is the area that you have to heat, in a room. In addition to that, the new windows, more insulation, more efficient unit(s) will reduce your electricity. He claimed that in 1997, while outside the governor's office in Austin, he overheard a conversation about "wanting to bury George W. Bush's Vietnam service record". There was an ad/coupon in the Sunday paper and then I caught the informercial on tv and felt I had found a good thing. I bought one several years ago and saved like at least 100. on my first electric bill. Zero marketing at that point. Needless to say, i WILL NOT be buying any expensive heating units with misleading claims of their efficiency and lower monthly savings. Loves them! The same method can be used in the walls, ceiling, and floor of a mobile home to regulate its temperature. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).