Heres how to escape from prison in Bitlife: These are all the minimum and maximum prison map solutions for escaping in Bitlife. Despite having an opportunity of becoming a criminal, the game gives you a chance to become a president. Now you have a second type of prison too, and that is the Maximum Security Prison. Follow the red path in the image below and you should be able to escape this prison with ease; the same also applies to all of our other images in this guide. Whenever you head the 57 Prison Map, you find the Guard standing forth the Exit Point. We're cleaning house again this week, Bitizens, with another round of routine bug fixes and maintenance. The smallest current layout, has you doing a bit of back and forth to escape. These are all the minimum and maximum prison map solutions for escaping in Bitlife. Once done, you are free to escape. In this mini-game, players make strategic moves while evading guards and escaping the prison on a grid. The trick is to block the security guard in the maze walls so that his move set is restricted, allowing you to escape from prison in BitLife. We suggest you plan your next steps following the Guards movement. I dont get it. BitLife Cheats, Tips, Tricks & Guide: - On the map, the Guard is standing forth the exit point so no one can pass through it. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Follow us for day-to-day video game news and guides on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Steam. If you do not intend to commit a severe crime, we suggest you loot ATMs or rob any bank. Basically, you have to get the guard to chase you all over the level until they follow you to the one square that is surrounded by three walls and one opening. Are you sure it isnt the one I have on the list but reversed or upside down? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Most Popular Codes: Active Promo Codes for Survivor!.io: The Full List and How to Redeem Them. We bring you an excellent Guide to let you know how to Escape All BitLife Prison Maps. Master all of its core concepts with these BitLife cheats available with guides, tips, and tricks. How to Escape Prison Bitlife - 88. Therefore, you need a proper How to Escape Prison Guide to overcome all challenging levels. In minimum security prison, there are no visible gangs. Minimum and medium security prisons have maps that are relatively easy to get through. Each map comes with both the start and endpoint. Repeat a few times to earn the Houdini Ribbon. BitLife: Life Simulator started off with one single type of prison that you can escape from. Before starting, you must get familiar with the proper strategy and the track you have to follow, but be careful because the Guard will move smartly to catch you. Instead, if you are locked up in a . The first step you should take to obtain a Prison Ribbon is to be a criminal. Emigrating is one of them. 13 game modes. If you want to get both the Jailbird and Houdini Ribbons, you can do so by doing the following below. This makes it a little bit easier to escape from because you have a ton of space to work with. She began at NeuralGamer in 2021, primarily writing about Minecraft. The game brings two difficulty levels, such as Maximum Security and Normal Security. So take advantage of this to leave the guard marooned behind the wall and exit the map. All of these methods allow Prisoners to escape the Prison and become Criminals. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Im hr >>> BitLife Juvie Escape Option (via CandyWriter) Tap Escape and it will bring up a mini game puzzle for you to complete in order to escape successfully. That should be all you need to do to earn the Jailbird Ribbon! However, now that there is a minigame to get out of prison, you actually have a chance at determining your own fate. Theres no guard but one. However, the player risks being attacked by other prisoners if they are unsuccessful in starting a riot because they can only do so once per year. Usually, prisons are grid-based maps wherein the game features two characters, such as the prison and the cop. 317 FREE songs total now. Get Started With The BitLife Basics. Different types of regular prisoners are also featured with minimum to max security in bitlife; however, jail security is directly proportional to your crime. Game features: 10 games modes: 3 x Time, Steps, 2xLong, 2xColors and 5xArcade. They can be very challenging to solve, but we are here to help with the new escape plan! Commit any crime on the road or murder any of your friends may put you into jail. They move turn by turn; in short, the game gives you the first turn, and after that, you will see the cop move accordingly. Escaping The Prison is a flash game developed by Puffballs United. Also, you should remember that each of the following prison maps frequently looks to be rotated 180 degrees. From the start to the end, your every decision does matter and will determine what Ribbons you should be rewarded with. The prison map differs depending on whether you are in a minimum, medium, or maximum security prison. Having said that means you can move right or left freely, and the cop needs to move horizontally first to get rid of the blockage. Every single prison Ive been in isnt here, I recommend you update it soon. After learning about three-sided boxes, you should know how many types of prisons are available and how to escape each successfully. There is literally only one wall in the entire map. The game suggests you decide what you to become before starting the game. 34 Prison Map. I am now, AN ESCAPE ARTIST! Usually, ribbons are awarded to those who fulfill the requirement in their lives. Therefore, you should play strategically and make your way to escape. If you're looking to complete various ribbons, including Houdini and Jailbird, then this post will help you complete those with ease. All you need to do is get the police officer into the little U shaped walls, and once you've done that you can breeze on through to the exit. You will then play a game of Snake, which tasks you to move around the room avoiding obstacles and picking up inmates. Version 3.7.15. Almost everything wishes to have a Prison Ribbon. The catch is that for every space you move, the guard moves two, so . This one shows a prison with only two U-shaped walls and nothing else in it. Theres only one Guard around you to take care of the exit point. It is a grid-based map where both characters, such as you and the Guard, move simultaneously. IMMA ESCAPE FROM PRISON!!!!! Was it in an update? These are all the minimum and maximum prison map solutions for escaping in Bitlife. Rob houses and get arrested for the robbery. So how do you stay out of prison? BitLife Escape Prison 4x4 Juvie top mid right exitFrom the (soon to be released) mischief managed challenge! A step before the dead end, you take a step in the left path and start moving to the exit point to win. All that you have to do is shoot from the shadows to win this one. Follow the given steps to overcome the harsh situation, break the security, trick the Guard, and escape: Both the prisoner and the Guard are close to each other like the first two fingers but cant see because of a barrier between them. Read our BitLife Guide to understand what to work on following a proper way to achieve your dream job or BitLife Ribbons. Because where there is a crime there is a prison. There are several ways to escape the Prison in Jailbreak. Remember, the guard always wants to move horizontally first, and if the guard has no path to move to you horizontally, they wont move at all. Players will need to move around to get the guards trapped or hindered in these spaces, granting the player enough time to escape. It used to be that getting out of prison via escape was purely a game of chance, and that the chances of getting out of prison were slim to none. This Map is the 34 tiny prison break map. Are you sure it isnt one of the ones I have above just rotated around? You'll have to do kind of a big loop and then come back again to keep the officer off of you and to get to the exit. He will make two moves for one move that you make. Doing so will earn you the Jailbird Ribbon. Therefore, you must work keeping the guard movement in mind. Maximum prison maps are by far the hardest to escape, and most players can get stuck in these areas. Follow the given links to reveal the requirements and learn how to master all prisons. There are different types of maps available categorized in Normal and Maximum Securities. Thank you! Jeijei is a professional Researcher and Writer based in Cape Town, South Africa. But jailbreaks are not a walk in the park. Even till now in his mid-twenties, it's all he does and writes about. (February 2023), There is one security guard on the checkerboard along with you. There are a ton of mini-games in BitLife that will keep you entertained for hours. Hey, you do realise that article is a complete rip off of our own article? Continue your movement in the upward direction and reach the exit point. 44 Prison Map . And you have to be super careful not to get caught in the process. My goal is to help you become a better player and have more . I especially love Clash of Clans, Call of Duty, and Apex Legends. After that, if there is a wall above him, he could grab you because he only goes horizontally. This method can also be used to make money as you can burgle houses and banks without having to worry about going to prison, therefore this can be seen as a bitlife money glitch too. The problem is that the guard tries to advance horizontally first, according to what the in-game instructions say, thus he moves twice for every move you make. You can commit the crimes of your desire but keep in mind that there are prisons too, you know why? Your email address will not be published. Afterward, you should start following the path you choose to reach over here and escape. In short, you should keep yourself away from the Guard while aiming to reach the exit point. Level up and age till youre in your 60s. But, all of the maps are possible for any player to escape. That means that, in addition to what you see in this video, there are a variety of other routes, and other methods of manipulating the guard, that can get you out of prison. The Guard will start moving toward you after finding your movement is horizontal first. Take a step up and turn left-side once again. He will still be able to grab you if there is a wall above him. You can go to prison for many things . This one is pretty easy! Some of the links on GamesBustop are affiliate links. Follow the red lines as said in the image above to learn how to escape BitLife Prison Layout 87. Potentially, during the aftermath of any riot, players may escape the prison map. You need to remember that you must trap the guard . Therefore, we jump in to help you learn How to Escape Prison in Bitlife. Therefore, you should move in a way that the Guard wont catch you. If you get a record in one country, then you go and move to another country, then the record wont follow you. But this video demonstrates how to trick the guard into getting out of the way. December 7, 2022. Remember that after youve been to prison five times, you can join the Mafia after you get out to earn real money! Likewise, prison jobs, sentencing appeals, and other issues. That means if there's a wall above him afterwards, he will not be able to reach you. Prison escapes take the form of a mini-game where you have to make your way through a grid maze puzzle, avoiding the guard. You are only allowed to control the prisoner having the aim of leaving the map securely without being caught, while the cop will try his best never to let you go off the room. How can one end up in a prison map maximum? Riots do not specifically revolve around the number of riots in total, but around the number of inmates that players can gather. Required fields are marked *. The game doesnt put any limitations; however, it lacks visuals. If you are struggling with these, however, then keep reading because we have a cheat sheet for each of the map layouts and a video displaying how-to complete them! However, riots can only be started once a year and the player will likely be assaulted by fellow inmates if they fail to start a riot. We bring you an excellent Guide to let you know how to Escape All BitLife Prison Maps. In BitLife, the player can go to Prison. We've got cheat sheet maps for all of the prison layouts in the game. You must take care of meters like Happiness and Karma, etc., to fulfill your dreams. If you fail, you can always move ahead a year and try again! BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 1) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 2) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 3) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 4) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 5) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 7) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer, BitLife 8x8 PRISON ESCAPE GUIDE (Map 8) | How to Escape 8x8 in BitLife - NeuralGamer. The maximum prison has characteristics that are unique and some that are similar. So, you should be careful and plan your every move perfectly. Although not the only option, this is the simplest way to get out of prison in BitLife. If you are ok with using a glitch you can just close the app . 2018 - 2023 - Gamer Tweak. Take a step up, and the character will stop because of a barrier, then turn to the left side. If the guard catches you while escaping, you will have a few more years added to your sentence for attempted escape. The game doesnt feature any graphic scenes; it comes with mini-games and multiple-choice questions to see how you spend your life. CBD Oil and Driving: Everything You Need to Know. Compared to other levels, this one has some more walls and different wall positions than others, which makes it arguably easier to beat because you have more places to hide. Active Promo Codes for Survivor!.io: The Full List and How to Redeem Them, Active Promo Codes for Genshin Impact: The Full List and How to Redeem Them, Click here for the maximum security prison escape guide in BitLife, rankLife: Rank Stuff - Redeem Code List and Guide, BitLife - Pop Star Guide - How To Become a Rich and Famous Musician, BitLife Professional Athlete Guide - Hot To Play Pro Sports and Raise Your Greatness, BitLife: Royalty and Respect Guide - How To Become King, Queen, Emperor, or Empress, BitLife: Mafia Guide - How To Become a Godfather and Mob Boss, BitLife: Life Simulator - List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them. How To Escape All Prison Jail Maps In Bitlife (February 2023), How to Escape From Prison in Bitlife? Overcoming the average security is relatively easy to escape and requires a few seconds to be completed. Click here for a full guide on how to get tossed into minimum, medium, or maximum security prison. 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The game rewards you with many prizes and BitLife Ribbon that define your personality after dying. Although you can escape the prison of minimum security easily, the game will keep you engaged with maximum protection; therefore, you should improve your skills and learn more about the jails in minimum security; meanwhile, utilize whatever you have learned from your experience to overcome prisons of max security. However, max security is much harder in terms of the social aspects of being in prison. Maximum prison maps are by far the hardest to escape, and most players can get stuck in these areas. You will need to try and get the guard trapped behind a wall, leaving you free to escape. On the second 44 map, the guard seems to have the advantage, but take advantage of the horizontal aspect and the guard is easy to trap in the three-wall enclosure. Probably, it may be the most precise map of the game. No one is above the law though, and eventually you'll be caught and sent to prison. This one is pretty easy, you really just need to go in and out of prison about three or four times. I am Ashish Babal, and I love to play video games. If you need help, let us know through the Contact Us page. These walls should be used to trap or at least hinder the guards, allowing you to escape. (the 8th one), (the 9th one). There are 3 types of jails in BitLife: minimum, medium, and maximum. If you want to know how to get fit in Bitlife, check out our guide on increasingyour Athleticism in Bitlife. Unlike the first map, this one features only four walls total. It will be the same layout, you'll just need to follow the steps based on the one you've received. Following the path you follow to reach the location where you are now, you should back to your initial position and reach the exit to win. Our BitLife How to Escape Prison Guide features maps and videos for every prison layout you'll be up against in the game! There is a mini-game that challenges players to escape from every prison in BitLife. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. This one, as you can see, has a completely absurd number of walls. All rights reserved. Also Read | All BitLife Driving Test Answers (Signs). Afterward, you should move as follows: Move to the left side till the end and start moving downward, following the wall until the end. Escaping the Prison Layout 88 at Maximum Security isnt an easy task. Another version of the 66 map but with a different layout. Furthermore, you can check our BitLife Guides to learn how to escape all prisons. The more you play the game, the more you learn. On the map, you must get to the door before the guard captures you to escape prison. There are also many choices of who to target in the Crime tab, like family, friends, or random people. . In this video I show you guys how to instantly escape jail right upon being convicted in Bitlife. All you need to do is keep pressing the 'age' button until you are dead. The game has multiple endings, depending on the choices you make. I also lost count of how many times I had ONE move to freedom and of course the guard gets me, EVERY TIME, Thanks so much for these! Every player who has been playing BitLife must be aware of how hard it is at first to escape from prison in the game, which is why there have been a lot of concerns recently regarding BitLife Prison Escapes from a lot of bitlife players. Prison Escape 65. Once you finally do trap the guard there, then you have to run all the way back across the path that you came from, in such a way as to keep the guard stuck behind the wall. Players that engage in these prison assaults will lose health, and if they run into a guard, they could be prosecuted. Players could technically escape a prison map during any riot specifically during the aftermath. Im hr >>>, (&Fy|m*i) Hi! Click here for a guide and videos for all of the maximum security prisons in BitLife. There are a couple of unique ribbons that players can earn by getting out of prison as well, meaning that escaping these jail maps can be both fun and rewarding in-game. The remaining medium and minimal security prison maps shouldnt provide any difficulties if you can successfully complete the 88 maximum security jail mini-game on your own. You have to bring the Guard around the corner to trap him using the hurdle. After it, the character gets random stats . If you have decided to choose the wrong path and go wild with your skills of pocket-picking, robbing banks, and looting pedestrians, then going jail isnt a big deal. There are regular security prisons with minimum to medium security and maximum security prisons in Bitlife. Super strength: Finding amazing games worth playing every single time. In case you fail to escape, the game moves you one year ahead with an opportunity to try again. Completing the Bitlife 87 Layout is challenging and cant be done quickly. If you want to keep up with bitlife news, you should check twitter sometimes. Ribbons that require you to escape from Prison: There are multiple ribbons that require you to escape from prison in order to earn them. If I have time, Ill try it out. BitLife Prison Escape Guide Plan Your Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 34 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 44 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 44 Second Map How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 54 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 55 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 56 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 57 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 57 Second Map How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 65 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 66 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 66 Second Map How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 74 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 87 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 88 How to Escape, BitLife Prison Map Layout 88 Second Map How to Escape, How to become Social Media Star in Bitlife, Bitlife Guide: How to Become a CEO in Bitlife, Adventure Escape Mysteries: Pirates Treasure Walkthrough, Word Calm Daily Challenge March 5 2023 Answers, Puzzlescapes Daily Level March 5 2023 Answers, WordBrain Puzzle of the Day March 5 2023 Answers, AE Mysteries Cluedo: The Murder of Mr. Black Walkthrough, Word Trek Daily Quest March 5 2023 Answers, 4 Pics 1 Word A Colorful World Daily March 5 2023 Answers, 4 Pics 1 Word A Colorful World Bonus March 5 2023 Answers, 7 Little Words Daily March 5 2023 Answers, Monkey Wrench Bonus 2 Daily March 4 2023 Answers.