It's the green piece circled above. techdesignfuture You'll get another ticket if you chose to explore Pizza Megaplex some more. Glamrock Monty. Im not sure though. All rights reserved. You'll know you're in the right place if you see a neon sign for the attraction next to the shutter. After the elevator reaches its destination, disembark and head into the office on the right. Enter inside theMonty Golfgate. "But some of last summer's . I thought you had to go to the entrance at 6:00am and choose to stay, which allows you to go back? Once inside, save your game and head to the security office located inside of the Gator Grub. Also Read:FNAF Security Breach Complete Walkthrough. Now, this next section is entirely missable, but is imperative for those looking to see every ending Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach has to offer. Return to the entrance and then press the button to continue through the gate. Chica without Blaster is faster than Monty - Forum - Speedrun If she's stuck in your way, With 04:00 AM - Fazer Blast out the way, it's time to turn your attention to 05:00 AM. Monty Golf AR-Cade is made up of 9 different golf holes. The sixth hole is a large hallway with glowing walls that display static, and many orangish-red lights. Go left until you reach another small garage door. Utilise the side room next to the flag's podium and fire at the robots that approach. You'll walk out onto a balcony seating area overlooking a stage. A maximum 96 players will be allowed at three players a flight. Five Nights at Freddy's Survival horror Gaming. You can find him patrolling the main area during events and some areas underground. The second unused hole was once the original Hole 5. There is a set of cut-outs of the animatronics outside of Monty Golf. Itching to take a golf trip in 2021? Here's everything you need to know bots, and the terrifying Vanny. Freddy can be used for many things. You will find TheFaz Camerais on top of the chair. Five Nights at Freddys: Security Breach invites players into Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex as they play a young boy named Gregory who ends up locked in the mall after hours. Since you chose Fazer Blast instead of Monty's Golf, you need to go down Chica's path. The walkway is essentially like a maze and, although it doesn't seem like it, that benefits you more than it benefits Monty. Take the security badge on the desk and open the gift at the back of the room. Fix your gaze on the endos, stick to the corners and, when ready, sprint ahead before turning around and watching your pursuers while your stamina recharges. All but the first hole hold a par of 3, with the first hole having a par of 2. The Party Pass in FNAF Security Breach is located in Chicas green room, which can be found in the Rockstar Row area of the mall where players start the game. The sixth unused hole would've been Hole 14, and is themed entirely around Pizza. The Monty Golf AR-Cade is a playable minigame accessed via an arcade cabinet seen within Monty Golf in Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. You'll know you've reached the generator when you find two pushchairs by a tight corner (as pictured above). Here, you'll find all the tips and tricks you need to conquer the game's main campaign and escape Freddy Fazbear's Mega. I decided to take the monty golf path when i got the ticket but im wondering if i can return to fazer blaster even after that. ( Btw my latest in-game event is repearing the head of the robot after dj music man boss fight ) Follow the path ahead and you'll eventually come out on the central locale's bottom floor. No Re-entry (Video) - Upgrade Comp Pass at upgrade machine Crouch-walk through it and you'll find yourself on a small walkway overlooking Fazer Blast. Upon trying to access the Mazercise controls, you will be told to find the Control Key, which is located back in the Daycare Center. The floor of the hole has an arcade-style carpet with Glamrock Chica's face. Gregory can use either the Faz Camera, which is found in the Monty Golf area,or the Fazerblaster located in the Fazer Blast area. I still managed to finish it, but be mentally ready. However, for those wanting to play stealthily, you can use the hiding spots scattered throughout the area to methodically advance through the parking structure and reach the final generator. That's how you get the first Party Pass in the game, and you can then use it to enter either Monty Golf or Fazer Blast. Head through the double red doors on the opposite side of the room and look for the save point on your right. Monty Golf: Find the Faz Camera in Monty Golf | Five Nights at Freddy's Army Golf Club (Kagitingan) Camp Aguinaldo Golf Club. In the middle of the hole is a large crusher, and at the end is an area that looks reminiscent to the FNaF 4 house, with Baby peaking out of the closet. First, choose Monty's Gator Golf as your destination. While both areas require the Party Pass to enter, this item can only be used once, so players will have to choose which item they want to equip to survive the nights final hours. If done correctly, the elevator doors will open for you. A staff bot will be stood on the stage below. Or do you want to head to Monty Golf, snag the Faz Cam and decommission Monty Gator? At the very end of the hole sits Mr. Cupcake, who is mostly shrouded in darkness. I've done the other way around and dont know how to get into Monty Golf LMFAO. Frustratingly, it won't affect Monty due to his shades, so it'll be more useful at 05:00 AM. The entire area will be filled with patrolling security bots, so watch your step and head to the ice cream parlour on the left-hand side of the room. Enter the bakery for the first time. It's worth noting that heading to Monty Golf first will affect which endings you'll be offered when the clock strikes 06:00 AM. The first flag can be found in the green section to your right when first entering the arena, the second can be found in the purple section on the top floor and the final one is located in the red section on the bottom floor. Now, return to the save spot and log your progress. Below you'll find a breakdown of how to infiltrate Fazer Blast, get the Fazer Blaster and go after the trash-chomping chicken. In order to get into Monty Golf or Fazer Blast, players will have to approach the Party Bot standing guard outside of each of these locations and hand over the Party Pass. After the cutscene ends, you'll find yourself deep in the sewers with the remains of Chica sitting in a pile in front of you. Five Nights at Freddys: Security Breach is available on PC, Playstation 4, and Playstation 5. Take a left into the men's side of the restrooms and look for the gift beneath the large mural of Freddy's face. You wont be able to get into the other location until youve reached the end of the game. Just in front of the restroom area with the recharge booth, you'll find an arcade cabinet. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You'll find the security office in the centre of the corridor ahead. You can also use Freddy to get into areas that you arent supposed to be. When you're ready, head through the door opposite the entrance to the armoury and, when told you're on the Orange Team, take a left down the orange corridor. After fixing Freddy in Parts and Service, Gregory will be able to use the elevators in the back of the room to return to Rockstar Row. From: US$ 2,400. Bonnie Bowl is on the east side of the area's third floor. Stringent health protocols, beginning with the no-mask, no-play policy, are also in place in all the courses. Once you're back in Daycare, you're going to need to head past the stairs down to the main Daycare area where Sundrop raised the alarm on you at 12:00 AM and through the Theatre shutter. Similar to 01:00 AM, you can complete both 04:00 AM objectives in one playthrough, although Security Breach will make doing so significantly harder due to a tough stipulation later in the game. Jump into Freddy and head through the door at the back of the kitchen. Hopping inside of his chest allows you to avoid the other animatronics while you roam around the pizzaplex. Is it the story or the gimik? ago SPOILER can anyone help 2 r/skyrimmods Join 1 yr. ago The location is marked on the map below. How To Get Into Monty Golf After Fazer Blast by techdesignfuture Leave a comment It leads to acquiring a very useful upgrade for freddy later on. Either one you choose, you'll still have the chance to go to . Unfortunately, Chicas room is locked, so players will have to find another way to enter. Montgomery Gator OCCUPATION Bassist AFFLIATION Fazbear Entertainment Be constantly aware of Monty's location and if he's close, find a new turret. This is the Gameplay Walkthrough of Five Nights at Freddys Security Breach (2021). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Official subreddit for the horror franchise known as Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF). In the middle are two rotating cakes with gaps in the bottom for the hole to pass through. There are several security bots here and, of course, Chica. Looking for a specific section? Your final goal of the hour is to return to Parts and Services. 60) Space Roxy Keychain - In the room just outside the Fazer Blast security office. Utilize Freddy if you want to get around quickly and quietly. If you press the button on these podiums, a timer will appear at the top of the screen. AFTER staying mostly at home since Metro Manila went under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), golfers are naturally excited to head to the fairways once restrictions are eased beginning on Monday (June 1). You'll find a second gift in this room guarded by security bots. Monty Golf can be found on the west side of The Atrium, just through the shutter to the left of you when you leave the Green Room shortcut. Minor edits have been made by the editors. The maze-like corridors of the trash mine mean she'll lose you fast and you can continue to track down the generator or the exit. If you get lost, look for the sign with two giant golf clubs next to the main stage (pictured above). At Navy, caddies' roles will be limited to pulling carts and acting as forecaddies for players in golf carts. A password reset link will be e-mailed to you. Planning on playing golf in Manila's public courses? Not so fast - The Faz Camera is straightforward to use close range, but its weaker than the Fazerblaster. Welcome to IGN's Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Walkthrough. You'll now be free of Chica but will have to deal with one more tiny nuisance. There will now be security bots patrolling, so navigate past them, save your progress and enter the Fazer Blast entrance next to the counter.