Sunnyfield's Lil Bit - a 2020 bull calf RVB Miss Daisy's Flower (daisy) 7-2015 Size- 33 Dual Reg. Thank you! Find us on Facebook. Cant Find The Right Miniature Cow To Buy In NC? Lazy B Lightning Ranch Miniature Heirloom Durham Shorthorn Patricia Byrd Okanogan WA 509-422-6388 email They are often used for small-scale milk production, as pets, or for breeding. the Homestead & Miniature Cattle Resource Directory They come in the traditional black, dun and red. He will turn gray as he Rockin K mini bucking bulls Zebu & Dexter X Pineywoods Cattle Danny and Braydan Kilcrease Jennings OK 580-465-7679 email check out the International Miniature Bullrider Association on the miniature bucking bull page. Feel free to. 67 Raleigh mini cattle; 66 Lenoir mini cattle; 51 Asheville mini cattle; 50 Charlotte mini cattle; 47 Brook Cove mini cattle; 35 Durham mini cattle; A cow who stands up to a max of 36" is considered to be a Micro-Miniature Cow. We hope you find the one that you love and would want . Half Ass Farm is located in Monroe, NC. Quality Semen and cattle available. 10 Places to Find Mini Cows for Sale (2023): Our Top 10 Picks! Real Estate. 43 inches and above ( at age 3) is considered a mid-mini. Paddy Green Acres mini belted Galloways & crosses James Wright ON email We also raise miniature KuneKune pigs and Biewer Terriers. With three kids, and now countless farmschool students and friends, we need to ensure that we have a docile breed in our pasture. A1/A2 and is Chondro/PHA Negative. For any other inquiries on how to place your order, price per livestock or shipment cost, do not hesitate to contact us. . Mini Cows West Fullblood mini Belted Galloway, Lowlines Gene Kantack Idaho Falls ID 208-523-5959 email Our second trip to KP Ranch in September 2010 has added three bred cows, two heifers, and our new baby bull KAP 1/2 HUNTER POPEYE ET ! Listing # 32146509 Class/ Category Bulls Location Hamer, SC Breed Angus. Arawalk Farms Miniature Zebu, Miniature Belted Galloway, Miniature White Park Jaime Mattison Sublimity OR 503-779-3710 email This is our specialty! 10 Places With Miniature Cows For Sale In California. These are British White Cattle Association of America (BWCAA) and American British White Park Cattle Association (ABWPA) registered fullblood heritage cattle. Clear Creek Farms Dexters and Belfairs Donna Decker Igo CA 530.768.5090 email Virginia". USA: Washington (WA) USA: Indiana (IN) miniature cow | Livestock | Gumtree Australia Free Local Classifieds TNC Cattle Co Belfairs Taylor & Natalie Cooke Seymore TX email Raising and training registered Dexters, Jerseys, and Belfair milk cows in north central and west Texas I can also be found on Instagram where I post milk cow training videos & info. Miniature Herefords are about 30-50% the size of traditional Herefords. Call or text anytime. White paint heifer miniature cows for sale in north carolina All our animals are brought up with lots of love and care. J&K Farms mini Jerseys & Belfairs Kristen Reynolds San Antonio TX email tested herd of family cows LNL MiniFarm mini Jersey X and Lowline X Levon & Lynn Sargent Henagar AL 256-717-7486 email We raise mixed beef & dual purpose miniature cattle. Horse ranches, equestrian estates, horse farms, cattle ranch, ranch land, and equestrian acreage. Rockin Ridgway Ranch Sean & Katie Ridgway Sand Springs OK 918-521-1688 We raise Scottish Highlands and Southdown Babydoll mini sheep. The below Join our "For Sale" Email List If you are interested in purchasing an animal, please consider joining. Small family owned and operated by a retired registered nurse, trucking owner / operator, homestead family. Lakeport Miniature Highlands - Mini Highlands for small (and large) farms Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ MaynardsTripleM. H & R Ranch polled Miniature Herefords Holly Schafer, mgr Ardmore OK 918-960-1752 email Rockin G Ranch Miniature and Midsize Scottish Highlands, White Parks, Mini Galloway Nellie & Art Gisbtecht Wakeman OH 419-750-4202 email Keep in mind, you need 2 cows minimum.They are herd animals and need their own species as a companion. Quinn Farm Irish Kerry Cattle, Red Poll, White Parks Elwood Quinn L'le-Perrot QC 514-941-1510 email Mini Moo Ranch Kellie Yagel Ocala FL email Browse equine properties for sale in North Carolina. Bred Heifers. Broken Horn Ranch registered Miniature Hereford Carlos & Erin Soriano Uvalde TX email Cottage Hill Miniature Scottish Highland Cattle, Thundering Hill Miniature Jersey & Belted Lowline Cattle. Animals are grassfed only. Home Oasis Farm registered Belted Galloways Dora Chippewa Falls WI 715-828-3856 email Our herd is all 100% belted Galloway, registered with the Belted Galloway Society, Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC). Rocky Mountain Miniature Ranch mini Highlands Crystal Earl Raymond AB find us on FB USA: Vermont (VT) Sunnyfields Polka dot a black and white paint cow,he's got color on USA: Wyoming (WY). Purchasing Instructions. Rusty Barb Cattle mixed miniature beef cattle Anthony & Teresa Williams Stuart OK 918-429-6579 Find us on Facebook. USA: Illinois (IL) Located in Piedmont, NC, this breeder started raising miniature Herefords in 2009. Visit their Facebook page for news and updates on their herd. They love a good snuggle along with their cookie . K-T Cattle Company Red & White Belted miniatures Jim & Katie Haack Carnation WA 425-333-6663 email North Carolina Equine Properties for Sale | United Country Real Estate post. Stuckey Rodeo Stock miniature bucking bulls Kyle Stuckey Camrose AB find us on Facebook We test for the following diseases: TB, Brucellosis, Johnes, BLV, and BVD. Carolina Dexters HSB Mini Cows mini Highlands & mini 'HighParks' Vickie Bayles Dadeville AL 205-994-5653 email SOLD SOLD SOLD. There are 26 breeds of mini cattle and are all 42" or less at maturity. Farm. Just as the cows have a hierarchy system, they also have a family system. Sale Barn - Sunnyfield Farm 2023 Rocking L Ranch | All Rights Reserved |. Setzkorn Irish Dexters Matt Setzkorn Guelph-Enamosa ON email They embody the homestead type cow, being able to raise a smaller freezer beef, and many have great milking qualities as well. Midnight Mini Cattle Co Elkland MO Valley Brook Farm Lowline, mini Belties, Zebu, and Yak Laura & Kevin Burnside, Carl & Donna Bensin Cooperstown NY 607-435-5576 email horses, polled Hereford cattle, Lowlines, Zebu, Belted crosses, Yaks, miniature donkeys, miniature mules, fainting goats, Kunekune pigs, Jacob Sheep, camelids, poultry and more. Rolling 7 Ranch Co Miniature Highlands, Belties & British Whites Travis Heck NE They are not easily found in the US so we have made very long road trips to bring them home from various states! and you might find them perfect for you. Hiatt Farms Miniature Jerseys Annie Hiatt Loveland CO 970-663-0009 email We are a small family farm helping to revive the "family milk cow" on the Colorado front range. We are accepting pre-birth deposits These Aberdeen Moderators are mini percentage registered red baldies and black baldies. call or email to be placed on our pre-birth deposit list or to see They are going to NY and NC! We also have Miniature cows that are a mix between the three. All of our cows are fantastic family milkers. If you want tiny, call Paradise Ranch! Southeast TX. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. We arent specializing in any niche or current trend, ie. These are the perfect heat tolerant mini milker. His herds carry chondro, but have a beefy conformation that handles it with no problems. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. show animals for sale private treaty. 10 places with miniature cows for sale in North Carolina (NC). To make a deposit, perform the following: Select the sex of the cattle you would like from the drop-down menu below. bottom of page . calves are now in their forever homes! Peculiar Farm miniature Highlands & "Highparks" Kurt Austin Williams Harrisonville MO 816-589-0063 We breed for the highest genetic excellence! Breeds of Miniature Cattle This science and technology gives us the ability to produce nearly a hundred calves per year from Ohno and each micro Highland donor cow. We appreciate you! We will not wean them early or stunt their growth. Maple Ridge Farm Registered Dexter Breeding Stock Sydenham ON USA: Connecticut (CT) Sunnyfield's Contessa - 2020 heifer calf J.West Cattle Company Classic & Mini British White Jimmie West Colmesneil TX Selective British White breeding by J.West Cattle Company for Classic Frame seedstock, retaining all the desirable characteristics of the standard frame polled British White beef breed. Private Airport Available. USA: Rhode Island (RI) calves travel all over the USA! bull -Out of our tri-color paint bull Buy Dexter Cattle | Old Crowe Farm Due to our smaller acreage, we raise small frame, homestead size cattle; we purposely select on the smaller side; most are frame scores 1 - 0. All calves are & Sarah Thomas Merced CA 209-761-7740 email We have the West Coast's largest herd of registered miniature Texas Longhorns and look to grow our herd as well as promote the benefits of Texas Longhorns as a beef breed. We specialize in Miniature Jersey cows. USA: Mississippi (MS) White Rock Mountain Ranch Dexter Lonnie Ruesch St. George UT USA: South Dakota (SD) A2, so-called micro minis, etc. Thundering Hill Miniature Jersey & Belted Lowline Cattle Full Circle Farm miniature Jersey Guy & Stephanie Quesenberry Dugspur VA 276-266-4009 email Happy Highland Cows - My Home, NC Classified Ads Quality - Our miniature herd receives the best mineral, hay, feed and proper vaccinations. Click [ Add to Cart ]. Locust Knoll Farm Little Moos mixed miniature cattle Cincinnati OH email We are often asked, why Miniature Herefords? BKH Cattle Brandon Hendrick Miniature Belted crosses, Hereford, BWF McCallsburg IA email Our smallest cow is 40 inches tall. We have hand selected our breeding program For Sale; More. Their smaller size also makes them a lot easier to handle and they also do less damage to pasture and fencing. Porter Livestock Keith Porter Wellington CO 720-273-5350 email We raise miniature belties, beef crossbreds. Cricket Creek Farms miniature Beltie crosses Russel & Mary Morgann Hillsboro OH email