Shaw Air Force Base ranks as one of the oldest installations in the Air Force. Please join us this Thursday for a Zoom chat with one of our very own fighter pilots. Emergency Paid Leave Employment Agreementtemplate An element of this activity could also include mapping out routes and determining the timing of traffic lights and flow. Lets not create invitations for infection. AFOSI is always looking to recruit quality Airmen from any career field. The bad news is COVID fatigue is real and 11 months into this pandemic some of us might be getting a little relaxed in our mitigation efforts. Because of the increase in cases on base and in our local area, current restrictions will be extended alongside a few new restrictions. Customize your own printable booklet with key resources and installation information. You are about to leave the Military INSTALLATIONS site. Lost /Stolen Cards for Dependents - You MUST have an appointment for MPF. Give them a call if you need something done right. A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. - CDC Fact Sheet: The Pfizer-BioNTech/COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine and boosterisavailable, Walk In Hours for 12+ (either vaccine or booster): Mon thru Fri 07:30-11:00 & 1300-1500. FAX phone number for Shaw Air Force Base Installation Address. - Refill requests made to 895-6464/1309/6466/6125 by noon on Thursday will be available for pickup the following Monday. Starting November 1, 2022, all AFAS functions from the M&FRCs will be moved to AFAS HQ. Under the declaration of a public health emergency, Tuesday - Friday remain employees and their dependents only. Contact seller; See other items; Shaw Air Force Base, SC Postcard Lot. -- Please be aware of CDC requirement for international travelers to get tested no more than 3 days before traveling by air into the United States (US) and show negative result to the airline before boarding flight, or be prepared to show documentation of recovery (proof of a recent positive viral test and a letter from healthcare provider or a public health official stating cleared to travel). - CDC/Youth will remain open to families still working On the next open duty day, please contact public health to report if you were tested elsewhere and the status of the test results. -You must adhere to social distancing and wear a mask if that is not possible/in designated areas or you will be asked to leave. -- OFF-BASE RESTAURANT DINING: 20 FW military personnel are now PERMITTED to patronize restaurants and sit indoors provided the facility has instituted reduced indoor capacity to permit seating six feet apart, the facility has a mask mandate for both employees and patrons, and 20 FW uniformed personnel remain masked except for the brief periods of time when eating or drinking. - Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has extend the Department of Defense 60-day ban on all non-essential domestic and international travel through June 30th. There you can make payphone calls or ask for information and directions. Parent Enrollment Continued --All post-operative patients will keep their scheduled in-person evaluation/follow-up appointments As you are coming through the gate, please remove your face mask to verify your identity. AD-AF: This process takes time so we ask that if you schedule an appointment block off, Adding a spouse (continued) * To minimize crowds please stay within your neighborhood (main base housing stay in main base housing, north base stay within north base neighborhoods, etc) Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Instead, consider using a Halloween-themed cloth mask. - UPDATE: For Tuition Assistance issues/questions, please contact Shaw AFB Education Center at (803) 895-8828/8473/4379 between 0800-1600 or by email at Our office works very closely with AFRC to ensure that all of our Airmen are taken care of. The Eagle Eyes program is an Air Force anti-terrorism initiative that enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror. FLU VACCINE: The 20th MDG has the Flu Vaccine available for only the following age groups: Military OneSource: Reservations may be made for members on orders by calling the lodging office at 803-895-3803. If you are in need of a polygraph, go to the Air Force Portal, search Polygraph and go to the USAF Polygraph Program to find out more information. - Official physical fitness assessments are suspended for the Total Force until 1 Oct 2020. Other updates: Evening Update - TeleCounseling |Apr 16 - Ms. Love, our personal financial counselor, offers a wide range of free virtual training on money management, budgeting, taxes and more. The M&FRC maintains a food locker for emergencies. Sat and Sun - closed. 803-895-1252. - Hours have changed. Wait times for walk-ins can exceed 2 hours depending upon the number of customers waiting for service. Information regarding the local community can be accessedon the Air Force Housing website. All Programs | Shaw Air Force Base | Contact Info, Phone Numbers Avoid the wait! Dependents: Must have at least one federal or state issued photo I.D., sponsor must be present and or a Special or General Power of Attorney. Shawhas a total of 630 new units. --Other TRICARE beneficiaries can receive Flu vaccine at the 20th Medical Group Immunizations Clinic from 0730-1600 M-F - ODR: Limited rental items - Thurs-Sun = 8 - 5 / Sat & Mon = 8 - 12; call 895-0450 for details When dialing a DSN number to/from overseas locations, the DSN area code must be included. Drive thru, take out and pick up services are permitted. Medical update: For Civilian Personnel, NAF, AAFES and DECA a statement from HRO, CC or 1st Sgt. Carolina Pines Inn provides temporary lodging for all TDY and PCS Personnel. AAFES Updated Hours: * Food: Burger King, and Taco Bell will open Mondays, BK 0700-1400hrs and TB 10:30-1400hrs. An active duty U.S. Air Force Airman assigned to Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., is currently undergoing evaluation and treatment in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Patients requiring print outs of results should visit Outpatient Records on the Second floor of the MDG during normal duty hours. - Please check and for information on what is open/closed as it is subject to change DoD guidance does not require indoor mask-wear when the Community Level for the local county is MEDIUM or LOW. Evening Update IMarch 27 DSN Dial 94 and the DSN number Commercial Phone: 99 and the commercial number or 98 and the commercial number. Department of State Travel Advisories ( to find the most up to date information about threats posed to American citizens traveling abroad. Services: MASK WEAR & SOCIAL DISTANCING: The below order applies to all individuals who frequent Shaw AFB. This order is in effect even if on leave outside of the local area. In accordance with new Department of Defense guidance, individual installations will no longer provide confirmed COVID-19 cases at the base level. Call: (803) 895CARE (2273), - Location: 20 MDG 420 Polifika Drive, Shaw AFB, SC 29153, - Hours: Mon thru Thurs 07:30-14:30 Fri 07:30-11:00. Contractors: a statement from their QAE or TASS TA, 1st Sgt or CC. Parent Enrollment Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Walk-In Customers This is especially true when planning a kidnapping, but it can also pertain to bombings. Central Michigan University (CMU) Online Education, Delta Dental TRICARE Retiree Dental Program. Please review them and take them seriously. We do not recommend using old uniform items as they may have insect repellant or flame retardant in the fabric. 803-895-4748. * Limit Trick or Treat to small groups of 4 or less when possible. Once appointed, please ensure you bring the completed DHA 207 with you to your appointment. Our COVID cases have dropped over the past weeks which means we have been adhering to mask wear and social distancing policy. - Tax/Legal/Health Promotions are closed Request to Use Emergency Paid Leave OPM Template, An official website of the United States government, - Appointment Required. Need to Report a Crime or Suspicious activity? Contact Us - Shaw Air Force Base Contact Information Phone Numbers: Superintendent (803) 895-1417 Unit Quality Assurance (803) 895-2160 Communications Focal Point (803) 895-2666 Base Communications Security (803) 895-1134 Wing Cybersecurity Office (803) 895-1133 - Please continue to share how you are staying busy at home, adapting to new processes and keeping your morale high - it helps keep our morale high and gives us some shawesome ideas --Bars and restaurants in SC can no longer sell alcohol past 11 p.m. --Many counties have mandated mask wear, please make sure you are checking and following local policies, - Based off feedback, the Sumter School District announced the school year will begin virtually and will postpone athletic practices, --Lancaster School District's survey ends Monday, --20E5: mid-to-late Sept release, begin promoting Oct 1, --20E6: mid-to-late Aug release, begin promoting Sept 1, - Mass gatherings (>250 people) must first be coordinated with the COVID cell. - Starting next Monday, the drive thru pharmacy hours will change: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. --Shaving waivers for PFB have been extended to 5 years, --Male members may have one straight line cut on either side of their head, --The height restriction on combat boots has been lifted, JUNE Active duty members may patronize these facilities only if outdoor dining is utilized and social distancing and proper mask wear is maintained. All documents must be translated into English and certified. Shaw AFB - Shaw AFB, SC 20th Security Forces (MP) 803-895-3669 Report a Correction 20th Security Forces (MP) at Shaw AFB is located at Shaw AFB, SC. Dry cough - CACs and VoLACs which expire on or after April 16, and are within 30 days of expiration, may have certificated updated using ID Card Office Online The one thing we can be certain of though, is how we treat and support one another through this. * If you live off base (in surrounding communities) check to For deliveries after hours and on weekends, the driver should go to the Main Gate and follow the same process with the gate guard. - Airmen may wear self-procured conservative masks in uniform. Evening Update Pharmacy Ops IApril 22 Be smart, stay safe. You will be instructed to either come and get tested for the flu/COVID-19 or you will be given home care instructions. Other TRICARE beneficiaries can receive Flu vaccine at the 20th Medical Group Immunizations Clinic from 0730-1600 M-F. *****Please be advised if you received the COVID-19 vaccine you must wait 14 days before receiving any other vaccine. The Activation Line is available Monday-Friday from 0900-1600. - Only the Main Gate will be open Armed with this information, anyone can recognize elements of potential terror planning when they see it. We do not have a date for the next show, but we look forward to when we can host you again. Please ensure you have enough medications to last you though each of the holiday periods. Our public health professionals recommend switching masks every 2-3 hours. All firearms must be kept at the Security Forces Squadron (SFS) Armory; No displays which are derogatory towards race, gender, politics, drug use, or military leadership; No guest is allowed in the dorms between the hours of 0001-0600. . Note a birth registration card does not take the place of a Birth Certificate. Passports and Visas 524 Stuart Avenue. The base operator's phone number is 803-895-1110, or DSN 312-965-1110. The 20th Security Forces Squadron is charged with protecting Shaw Air Force Base, which includes making sure visitors, to include delivery drivers, have the ability to gain access to base when needed in a safe and controlled manner. Many retired military veterans who were stationedhere at Shaw during their career are so taken with the area that they settle here permanently making Sumter's populace a seasoned and worldly group. It has been a difficult year and we all deserve some rest. The 20 MDG currently does not offer sick call or over-the-counter (OTC) medication services, all patients experiencing symptoms should call the appointment line to be triaged by our COVID team. Starting tomorrow, cloth face coverings will be required at all times in the Medical Clinic, Commissary, BX Complex and Shoppette unless you are under the age of 2. - Shaw AFB is still operating under risk-balanced operations with limited base access. Shaw Air Force Base Directory | - #DYK? Catholic Mass: All walk-in customers are seen on a first come, first serve basis. BX pharmacy also offers contactless pick up through the Script Center Kiosk Machine, located immediately inside the main entrance to the Exchange and accessible during Exchange business hours. Shaw Air Force Base| Emergency Assistance & Contact Info - The BX is offering curbside pickup. Although the DHA may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Units | Security Forces Memorial | Military Police - USAF (Example: B1234567). Face coverings with a plastic valve embedded in the fabric may prevent pathogens from entering, but not from leaving when you exhale. Thank you for understanding. As always, please visit more information. Assistance offered by the local housing office can often save you time, money and inconveniences should you be unaware of the regulations governing off-base housing. Team, have a great weekend. While we understand everyone in the household wants to be tested, we must also be mindful of our supply and if the result would alter the course of treatment. CENTCOM operates with Component Commands - one for each of the U.S. armed services, along with a joint special operations component and a number of subordinate joint task forces. --BX/AAFES: - The governor issued an executive order allowing law enforcement to disperse groups of three or more people.,,, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Mon 8:0 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. **** For purposes of this order, a bar is an establishment that has its primary purpose and revenue source the serving of any beverage containing alcohol, notwithstanding whether food is also served. OFF BASE DINING: The order regarding dining off base has been EXTENDED through January 15th, 2021. In order to do that, please follow the instructions below: Per AFPD 71-1 and AFI 71-101 V4, upon return from your TDY or personal travel, we may reach out for a debrief. Look for people loading up vehicles with weaponry/explosives, etc, and/or parking that vehicle somewhere, or people in military uniforms (who don't look right) approaching an installation or getting into a vehicle, or people who seem out of place standing by at a certain location as if waiting for something to happen. - We know many of you are anxious about services returning online; we assure you when we have that information we will push it in our evening update. Traditional Thanksgiving activities increase the risk of COVID spread, to minimize this risk please review CDC guidelines for Thanksgiving activities this year at You can also make your reservation onlineat If you have an emergency while in transit, contact your new unit of assignment. 7:30 a.m. -16:20 p.m. . Disabled American Veteran Rated at 100% The 20th Medical Group is currently scheduling appointments for a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccines to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries age 75 and over. Also, 20 FW military personnel are not permitted to be seated at a bar area when visiting an off-base restaurant. If you are thinking about traveling outside the United States and US territories, search U.S. COMM phone number for Shaw Air Force Base Installation Address. BX Complex/Shoppette: It is recommended to wear light colored clothing for the photo to allow birth date to be visible on the CAC. It has an active railroad line and is considered a self-contained town. The official website for the MacDill Air Force Base. Evening Update |March 30 The form can be found at under the vaccine tab. --If you need to have a new electronic prescription activated, please call the activation line at 895-2273, option #3, and then option #4 to have your electronic prescriptions activated. An official website of the United States government, Department of Air Force Office of Special Investigations Detachment 212. Tests of security: Any attempts to measure reaction times to security breaches or to penetrate physical security barriers or procedures in order to assess strengths and weaknesses. - Many facilities and services, to include the BX pharmacy, will not be open on Memorial Day. Call 803-895-2273 Option 3, then Option 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to have your prescriptions ready for pick up when you arrive. closed, Protestant If you have specific questions, please contact us at the number listed above and request to speak to an agent about foreign travel. - for more info, to include more ways to make your own mask: - Arts and Crafts: Appointment only - 895-2727 Members can schedule a COVID-19 test by calling the appointment line. Evening Update |March 20 Call: (803) 895-CARE (2273) - Location: 20 MDG 420 Polifika Drive, Shaw AFB, SC 29153 - Hours: Mon thru Thurs 07:30-14:30 Fri 07:30-11:00 Results Turn Time: Within 24 Hours - We are saddened to announce the cancellation of the Shaw Air and Space Expo, to include STEM day, scheduled for May 15-17. - Masks should be routinely changed and washed. - Positive COVID-19 cases and percent positives in S.C. has increased; please continue strict hygiene practices, mask wearing and social distancing. -- Sumter schools will return to Hybrid Learning Monday February 1. All after-school activities and sports are canceled through Jan. 3rd, 2021. * The BX Pharmacy is open for walk-in pick-up services on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 0800-1400.