We went back when they rebuilt it but it didn't have the same atmosphere & at first people almost seemed to be looking over their shoulders as if they were waiting for something to happen, it was strange. Summerlands bed and breakfast (B&B) is a charming and unique house in Ramsey, which has recently been refurbished throughout to a very high standard. "Services weren't equipped for Summerland disaster", "Article about the disaster based on the report by Dr Ian Philips", "Remembering the Summerland fire disaster, 40 years on", "Isle of Man 'shame' over Summerland fire disaster", "Remembering The Summerland Disaster 40 Years On", "Asbestos information centretrade names", "Summerland fire survivor: 'I don't blame dad for saving my sister and leaving me in blaze but I never got to tell him', "Summerland fire: Fifty victims remembered on anniversary", "Summerland disaster survivor: 'I still dream of people in flames', "THE SUMMERLAND SITE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY", "Summerland fire memorial built to mark 40th anniversary", "Summerland fire victims remembered on 40th anniversary", 1972 amateur film of pre-disaster Summerland, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Summerland_disaster&oldid=1142829611, Fire disasters involving barricaded escape routes, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 16:12. The Summerland leisure complex in the Isle of Man, a popular tourist destination for many years, closed its doors for the last time in 2018. My mum eventually took me and my sisters and I couldn't believe how new and lovely everything was. I decided to throw a wobbly and asked for a toy as I didn't want to go to the show - overtired! Mass Cholera Grave in Douglas. There were posters everywhere and everyone was talking about it. Location: Doolish; Share; Posted July 3, 2008. . panels dropping in flames onto the ground and I guess, people below. (Good move as it happens - I understood later that about 12 people were found dead at the bottom of that staircase, which I seem to recall did not have proper handrails round it, being largely decorative.) On the third attempt, my uncle's door came open and several others followed. This part of the building was clad in a material called Galbestos: profiled steel sheeting with asbestos felt on both sides coated with bitumen,[5][8] with no fire-resistant qualities. But I have fond memories of summerland and I to did win the talent competion in summerland. The Summerland site is to go on sale after Manx government attempts to find a private development partner failed. Everywhere we went afterwards there was requests for blood donors it was so sad, and I think we were all glad to get home. This button displays the currently selected search type. Much thought was given to bringing a sunshine-feel to the building. The first drawings materialised in 1965 but hundreds were drafted out before building work actually started. 8 ISLE OF MAN EXAMINER www.iomtoday.co.im Tuesday, June 27, 2017 BUILDINGS AT RISK Heritage: A look at the Castle Mona Hotel s history S A newsdesk@iomtoday.co.im Twi er: @iomnewspapers The journey from the jewel in Douglas s crown to an eyesore A nyone who knows the song The Ugly Duck - ling will know that the bird in It was my last night on the IOM with my BB Company from N Ireland. After another few minutes the flames had spread over the top of the building and were beginning to engulf the whole place, it was horrible to see. We crossed onto the promenade via a walkway which crossed the road, I think. The centre reopened in June 1978. Demolition of the site from Oct 2005. Jumping and diving from the boards was also fun with us all playing dead mans fall from the different boards, but I never did manage to dive or even jump from the top board. A Cafe. Bit by bit over the years things would start to disappear, until by the end there was only "Manxland" left, my son really enjoyed palying there with all his cousins & it was a great place for Mums to meet on a Saturday & have a coffee while the kids played, we did that for a lot of years. Add Your Event View All 04 March Saturday Manx Amateur Drama Federation Coffee Morning View 10:00 - 12:00 Current Weather 9 4 03 March Friday 8 4 And the name, it was just called the summerland play area, or Barry Nobles arcade before that (not to be confused with the one that was opposite Woolworths) Meanwhile a group of three school boys on holiday from Liverpool was hanging around at the back of the building next to a section of a dismantled fibre-glass kiosk. From Wonderful California, published 1915. Those were the days. fire, which triggered a major change in fire regulations on the Island. John McGimpseyI was 15,and in the fire, but I escaped by jumping around the bannisters which were jammed with people too frightened to move on the stairs which were on the same side as the balcony with the crazy golf where the fire was started.. This devastating fire ripped through a leisure centre in the Isle of Man, killing 50 people and seriously injuring a further 80. I still remember those who died and those who lost loved ones. STORY. It was indeed quite glamorous and I know for a fact my mum and dad spent more than a few romantic evenings there, (We kids got packed off to our grandparents house!) A period semi-detached double fronted town house built circa 1864, set along a quiet cul-de-sac, yet within easy walking distance of the shops and cafes of Parliament Street. Property description & features. Inside the centre he included plans for an indoor heated swimming pool, saunas, Turkish baths, an artificial sunshine zone, a childrens theatre, an underground disco, cascading waterfalls, restaurants and bars all with live entertainment throughout the day. Outside its raining yet here you are relaxed in your shirt sleeves, gently perspiring in a tropical 80 degrees.. I finished work on the 1st of August after working in the bar because Ihad run out of money. 1. The complex I would like to see an ice-skating rink there (which the Island needs). Most of week had been spent at the evening disco and I still have photos and the weekly ticket from our good times there. Find it on the Isle of Man | Business, Restaurants, Classifieds, Events and more To access your webmail, click Sign In Find it on the Isle of Man Click here to sign into webmail What's On? I think it would be appropriate and (hopefully) not too disrespectful to the people who passed away there. [9] The centre was seriously damaged by the fire. We got out past the swimming pool - as a lady carrying some keys ran towards the doors to unlock them. My uncle saw someone he knew from our home town (Widnes) whose hotel was closer than ours, and he was able to phone family at home to say we were OK just as the story was coming on the news.We were all OK, apart from my uncle's cracked ribs from charging at the fire door, but the horror of the evening is still with me such that even lighting a candle is something I struggle to do and I always check out fire exits when I'm somewhere new. Figure 2 shows where the fire initially started, and it spread quickly over the building faade. We never knew if she saved our lives. I've got used to passing the site & it not being there but from the boat, going in either direction it's still not the same. I remember seeing balls of fire dropping from the top of the structure this was the so-called inflammable Oraglass (?) 4. vs damage to building. County: . In 1973, the Summerland Complex suffered a tragic accidental The fire spread to the wall's interior soundproofing material, which was highly combustible, causing an intense fire that ignited the flammable acrylic sheeting that covered the rest of the building. I remember walking past Summerland and seeing a rocking horse from a ride stood on its own. I remember the main floor in front of the stage with all the deck chairs & the straw umbrellas, the music, the talent shows. The Manx Development Corporation is part of the strategy for realizing economic, social and environmental benefits through enabling full utilization of government owned land and property assets and acting as a catalyst for regeneration and repurposing of urban and brownfield sites. Follow on beyond Summerland and Port Jack. On 17 September 1973, three Liverpool boys two of them 12 and the other 14 appeared before Douglas Juvenile Court and admitted wilfully and unlawfully damaging the lock of a plastic kiosk next to Summerland. The Majestic. But the dream was short lived. The queue to get into the swimming pool with my Mum, Dad & brother and of course the smell. 1. Situated only a few minutes walk to the beach, harbour, shops and public transport. Such a happy reunion but such a terribly sad sad time. Numerous firms are employing truck drivers in different locations of Canada like Alberta, Ontario, Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, Quebec, Ottawa, Calgary, and also great deals of extra. My parents had gone for a drink and I was looking after myself on my own in the safety that was 1973 in the fantastic Isle of Man. Follow on beyond Summerland and Port Jack. Marketed by Chrystals, Isle of Man We felt at the time that it was the beginning of the good times here on the Isle of Man. (The comedian/presenter on stage made a remark about there being "a chip pan on fire"). They were each fined 3 (equal to 31.86 in 2020) and ordered to pay 33p compensation and 15p costs. We went to the shops on the prom and I still have Minnie the clockwork mouse to this day. [9] The building's open-plan design included many unblocked internal spaces that acted as chimneys, adding to the conflagration. Those were the days. It was all shining, it even smelt new. [10], Because of the locked fire doors, many people headed to the main entrance, which caused a crush.[9]. Instead the first call came from a passing taxi driver, while another came from the captain of a ship 2 miles (3.2km) offshore who radioed HM Coastguard and said, "It looks as if the whole of the Isle of Man is on fire". It does not take away from the fact that it was for a few years, a great place to be. (Good move as it happens - I understood later that about 12 people were found dead at the bottom of that staircase, which I seem to recall did not have proper handrails round it, being largely decorative.) Firemen were already on the scene and ran past us with hoses. The Summerland building in Douglas was the first of its kind in the world. The Summerland site today is in the ownership of the Isle of Man Government, derelict for 12 years and for sale for 10 years until January 2018 when it was taken off the market. Ricky Rooney, DouglasFor me, Summerland was the hub of all my childhood memories, I would be there at least 4 times a week. With the help of the government and Trust House Forte Leisure Ltd the At 8:00 p.m. on 2 August 1973, Summerland, a leisure centre on the Isle of Man as shown in Figure 1, was seen to be on fire. To experience Summerland at that time was special and afterall, what has the Government ever done since to improve our quality of life here in the IOM. The water in the pool was lovely and hot and we used to go out and stand in a cold shower and the cold foot bath then dive into the pool to get that even warmer feeling. Sharon BridsonI was 12 that year. Property reference . I was 5 at the time. The first responding fire crews realised additional resources would be required and almost every resource available to the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service was mobilised to the incident (93 of its 106 firefighters and all 16 of its engines). The average house price in Summerland, Ramsey, Isle of Man IM8 is . Feb 22, 2021 - Manx Electric Railway 26 a 1898 GF Milnes crossbench tram at Derby Castle terminus in Douglas about to push crossbench trailer 56 back to the depot past the rebuilt Summerland on 14 July 1978. The Summerland building in Douglas was the first of its kind in the world. sammy hamiltonI worked in Summerland a week before it burnt down. A couple of the girls had been at the afternoon disco but were on their way back to the digs when the fire must have taken hold. Bid today! Summerland for me, like many others who grew up on the Island was one of the main places that you could find entertainment of all forms from Rollerskating through to catching a afternoon film in the cinema. I stood on the prom looking over at the Summerland complex contemplating whether to give it a go or not. William LeedsI remember going there as a 6 year old. on arrival above somerland we couldnt beleve the whole building was an infurno (just where we would have been had we not been delayed)we left the site not beleving such a tragity could be hapening to those poor people,and by the grace of god spared us.with the passing of time and no disrespect to those who loved ones perished or were injured i beleve that summerland was a fabulous venue of the time and should be under another name be reserected for the people of the island and visitors alike,the past is the past and nothing can remain a stain of the building/archetects or goverment who built it in good faith and by unforcene events that happend.the island needs a new complex to invest in tourisem and for the island people to enjoy in these hard days ahead bring life back to the island as it was before the doom and gloom merchants moved in.being a stopover from the late 60s and with three children who were born here i personaly would like to see an indoor complex such as summerland revived. My Uncle and several other "big chaps" hurled themselves against the fire doors to break them down. I would like to see an ice-skating rink there (which the Island needs). Fifty people were killed and 80 seriously injured. The venue attracted thousands of people to the. Now I have my own kids of my age at the time of the disaster, I know why. Department of Community, Culture and Leisure announces future of Summerland site, Redevelopment of the Former Summerland Site - The Wave. I had a great time. I feel there should always be something incorporated into whatever is built or put on the site to commemmorate the people who died. [7] The coastguard immediately called the fire brigade. The fire services were not called for over 20 minutes,[5] and even then the call did not originate from Summerland. The Summerland disaster occurred when a fire spread through the Summerland leisure centre in Douglas on the Isle of Man on the night of 2 August 1973. My parents had been to the site of the fire thinking I was in there as I had been all week. The state-of-the-art facilities put the Isle of Man on the map as one of the most important tourist destinations in the British Isles. August ISLE of MAN "SUMMERLANDS DOUGLAS" DESTROYED BY FIRE 2nd AUGUST 1973 POSTED 1974 Street Cars Derby Vehicles Swiss Derby Castle before Summerland was demolished J Judith B summerland isle of man August 2013 My Heritage 40th Anniversary Birth Gem Sidewalk Memories Re: Isle of Man Summerland Fire Yes I remember the fire I was 10 years of age and on holiday with my family. The worst thing was I could hear screams even from that distance, this has haunted me to this day. I remember walking past Summerland and seeing a rocking horse from a ride stood on its own. As Bob says the smell of the place too & being in there when it was pouring down outside was amazing to us kids. I will never forget the screams and people climbing over each other to get out. On the night of the fire I had decided, for some unknown reason, to spend some time on the ASTROGLIDE (who remembers that ?) There was no attempt to evacuate the 3,000 people present[5] until the visible evidence of the flames prompted a panic-stricken mass rush for the exits. people screaming and trying to escape, one boy broke a window with a microphone stand. On the night of the fire my Mum and Dad were taking me to see the Black & White minstrels, my much older brother and sister didn't want to go and went on the prom. As kids we used to holiday in the Isle of Man either at port St Mary or Peel. If you like to see Seven Sisters - view in Seaford, United Kingdom or any other wonderful filming locations from Summerland, start scrolling. The burnt out remains of the centre in September 1973, one month after the fire. I'll never forget the tragedy and the emptiness we felt after that horrific day. On the evening of Thursday 2nd August 1973 an estimated 3,000 people were enjoying themselves at the resort. Denis Cowley QC acted for the Douglas Corporation. The state-of-the-art facilities put the Isle of Man on the map as one of the most important tourist destinations in. We actually visited the Summerland on the day of the fire, I can remember the night of the fire, we were staying in a hotel on the opposite end of the prom, I was there with my cousin and our Mum's and Dad's had gone out for the evening. Location: Isle of Man Date Posted: 4/5/2017 2:49:35 PM Waymark Code: WMVDNA Summerland complex, Isle of Man Isle of Man Tram and Summerland Leisure Centre. The whole thing ended so tragically but it's important to remember the good times too. It was a strange building, influenced by the geodesic structure of Buckminster Fuller's American Pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal. I am a surviver of this tragedy.I still have nightmares. It wasn't until we were on the promenade at a safe distance that I looked back to see the building completely engulfed in flames. My legs went like jelly and the next thing I knew, flames shot up the sides of the windows. I've just seen that picture of the pool with the rows of spectator seats and it brought it all back to me.I remember the next year when the fire happened because we were packing for our holiday to Anglesea when the news broke. ! After a couple of hours frozen to the spot I remember seeing my Mum running towards me and picking me up, crying and hugging me as if she hadnt seen me in years or something. Everywhere we went afterwards there was requests for blood donors it was so sad, and I think we were all glad to get home. We were there the night before the fire, we just thatought the "moving staircase" by the front door was the best thing ever. We were in Summerland on the night of the fire, as we had been most evenings. "Good crispy duck and great main dishes.". After a geotechnical team determined that the blocks could not be safely stabilised or removed, and that there was a risk they would fall into the buildings below, the site was scheduled for demolition. A period semi-detached double fronted town house built circa 1864, set along a quiet cul-de-sac, yet within easy walking distance of the shops and cafes of Parliament Street. The pool was salt water and it made my eyes sting. The scale of the fire has been compared to those seen during the Blitz. seeing many bodies, young people burned beyond recognition When we finally reached the bottom the firemen were there to guide us out and just as we got outside, the whole place was engulfed by fire. The year before the fire we were taken to Summerland to watch a syncronised swimming display. Summerland. Summerland opened on 25 May 1971 and was designed to accommodate up to 10,000 tourists as one of the largest entertainment centres in the world. It was a lovely place but it's so sad the way it all ended. [11], One survivor wrote about her experiences from the fire in a book entitled Made in Summerland, which was published in July 2018.[12]. StuartI was 9 at the time of the Summerland fire and on holiday with my Mum and Dad staying at the Granada Hotel as we always did then. After a couple of hours frozen to the spot I remember seeing my Mum running towards me and picking me up, crying and hugging me as if she hadnt seen me in years or something. I was too young to realise what had happened but it makes me feel cold now. [19][20], On other anniversaries of the disaster many memorials take place, such as a memorial concert and a moment of silence at the location which is now a vacant site. There was a lot of excited anticipation before it opened. You were certainly spoilt for choice - you could go swimming in 2 lovely new pools, rollerskate or play a multitude of sports in the massive sports hall, moonwalk in a big white type of enclosed bouncy castle (which like everything in there had a distinctive new smell). The rest is of course history. Aug 27, 2019 - Explore Amanda Smith's board "Summerland IOM" on Pinterest. The plans took years to finalise. Then with my children to manxland,their first birthday parties, my sisters-in-laws fashion shows & watching cousin's children do ballroom dancing & they're just a handfull of memories!Summerland was a one off & while the Villa Marina is a part of our islands history & heritage, there will never be another place like Summerland - it's in a league of it's own. It was a tragedy but the happy memories as a child are still vivid even in my late 40's.My thoughts are with those who lost someone dear xx. . The site on King Edward Road in Douglas has remained unused since the complex was. I made lots of friends both from the island and liverpool. I think they must have broken through a back wall or something to get there. Behind the stage was the huge rock face. We hadn't had decent swimming baths for a long time in Douglas and for that reason alone I couldn't wait to get in and have a look. Summerland was fulfilling its promise of taking Manx tourism into the future. Brings back great memories of times spent on the island. They went to give bloood and looked for my brother and sister on the way. The water in the pool was lovely and hot and we used to go out and stand in a cold shower and the cold foot bath then dive into the pool to get that even warmer feeling. LOCATION From the Sea Terminal proceed the length of the Promenade. Seconds later the light grew to a flame a few feet high, then within no time at all there were large flames extending the whole height of the side of the building I was frozen in shock watching what was kicking off. After another few minutes the flames had spread over the top of the building and were beginning to engulf the whole place, it was horrible to see. A report commissioned by the Lieutenant Governor in 1973 stated that the blaze was the worst peacetime fire disaster in the British Isles since 1929. last updated: 04/04/2008 at 15:38created: 03/04/2008. "Excellent! Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 2SE Registered in the Isle of Man No. Summerland was an odd mix of styles: one half light, airy and modern; the other windowless and concrete. The death toll brought about a public inquiry that ran from September 1973 to February 1974. On the night of the fire my Mum and Dad were taking me to see the Black & White minstrels, my much older brother and sister didn't want to go and went on the prom. The world's first offshore oil wells, drilled from piers in 1896. The Isle of Man is located in the middle of the northern Irish Sea, Isle of Man to the east, Northern Ireland to the west, Scotland (closest) to the north and Republic of Ireland to the southwest. I was told that the drummer from the show we had been watching did not make it. from when I was an infant until I was a teenager.Also my dad and his friend used to have such fun jumping on the beaded filled cushions in the solariumI also remember being at home in Liverpool watching the blaze on TV and crying becuase I would never be able to go there again. A survivor of the devastating Summerland fire on the Isle of Man which killed 50 people, including 15 from Merseyside and Cheshire, has made an emotional appeal for the three Liverpool friends who . I used to love walking round the place & everytime it was just as amazing as the first time.Then in my teens & 20's & 30's going to the cave & upstairs for the TT events from TT supporters club meetings,to gigs & tyre balancing. To experience Summerland at that time was special and afterall, what has the Government ever done since to improve our quality of life here in the IOM. For just over two years the centre attracted visitors from all over the world. It was the brain child of Douglas architect, Mr James Phillips Lomas who had been commissioned by Douglas Corporation to design a building which would attract visitors to the Isle of Man whatever the weather. Now it's completely gone & it is a shame but they will hopefully put something back there for the manx & visitors to enjoy & make their amemories last a lifetime too. We went back when they rebuilt it but it didn't have the same atmosphere & at first people almost seemed to be looking over their shoulders as if they were waiting for something to happen, it was strange. It took me a long time to go on holiday again. It was a climate-controlled building covering 3.5 acres (1.4ha) on Douglas's waterfront, consisting of 50,000sqft (4,600m2) of floor area constructed at a cost of 2 million. My parents had gone for a drink and I was looking after myself on my own in the safety that was 1973 in the fantastic Isle of Man. The Isle of Man [1] ( Manx: Ellan Vannin) is an island in the British Isles, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. "So far the best Chinese I had on the Island ( and I lived 3 years in China) t.". Facts About Isle of Man: Places to Visit in Isle of Man Location Map of UK Cities Where is Aberdeen Where is Basildon Where is Basingstoke Where is Bath Brings back great memories of times spent on the island. Behind the stage was the huge rock face. I dont remember the initial Summerlands complex, but I was in Summerlands in the mid 80's; after it was rebuilt and reopened in 1978; I was therer on annual camp with the scouts, that was the year I joined the scouts and that was the reason i joined, the trip to the Isle of Man.What a great time I had there using the swimming pool. NOTHING! Catherine WoodhouseI was 9 and on holiday with my Mum, brother and Uncle Peter (Mum's brother), the aim of the holiday being to give Mum a break after my Dad had died following a long illness. Most of week had been spent at the evening disco and I still have photos and the weekly ticket from our good times there. (The comedian/presenter on stage made a remark about there being "a chip pan on fire"). I lost a couple of pals in the fire. At first we thought it was only a small fire but we soon became aware that it was a lot more serious. My mum eventually took me and my sisters and I couldn't believe how new and lovely everything was. Examples of their tools are kept at the Manx Museum. i loved summerland it was amazing the play area and the skating the swim baths and all shame the way things went, HI, I PLAYED THE SUMMERLAND DISCO WITH MY BAND 'ROCOCO' THE YEAR BEFORE THE FIRE,I'D LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO REMEMBERS 'ROCOCO' I HAVE SOME VERY FOND MEMORIES OF MY TIME THERE, I HAVE VISITED THE ISLAND ONCE SINCE THEN,QUITE BY CHANCE IT WAS THE YEAR BEFORE THE DEMOLITION TOOK PLACE,BUT I SUPPOSE I COULD SAY GOODBYE. I've got used to passing the site & it not being there but from the boat, going in either direction it's still not the same. Everthing about that place was magical, everyone had a smile on their face & the atmosphere was exciting. While children were entertained in the theatre, parents could relax upstairs. This, coupled with the constant sirens of emergency vehicles, is what made this the worst night of my life. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. There was a charming wooden see saw, slide and roundabout. See more ideas about summerland, isle of man, brutalist architecture. I lost a couple of pals in the fire. I WILL RETURN AS THERE IS A KIND OF MAGIC ATTRACTION ABOUT THE ISLAND,I SHALL ALWAYS REMEMBER 'THE GEM IN THE IRISH SEA' WAYNE FORD, Crazy Carol, OnchanMoonwalk,rollerskating & swimming, just 3 of the things that kept myself, my brother & cousins entertained for hours. Douglas (Man This, coupled with the constant sirens of emergency vehicles, is what made this the worst night of my life. Welcome to Summerland Today! Ladies Location: Douglas - The Nunnery estate Type: Haunting Manifestation Date / Time: Unknown Summerland Leisure Complex Douglas Isle of Man IM99 2TB Tel: +44 (0) 1624 625511 The Site Facilities Include: Cinema Children's Soft Play Area Squash Badminton Basketball Five-a-Side Football Tennis Rollerskating Volleyball Indoor Golf Simulator Sports Bar Nightclub Spa Suite Future of Summerland Site 5 October 2010 From pantomime to ballet and live music to musicals. It wasn't until we were on the promenade at a safe distance that I looked back to see the building completely engulfed in flames. VillaGaiety is the Isle of Man's premier ENTERTAINMENT venue. The west wall remains intact as there is concern that its removal may cause the adjacent cliff to collapse.