NOTE: theyre not listed in a particular order. Calendar of Events He was a illustrator for Leroy Thompson and Tim Mullin. Contact Maj. Jeremy Boothe at (205) 732-2288. . Clothing, food, trenches, and morethis experience is totally immersive to the time period. Here are the resources you need to participate in an event. Virginia Volunteer . 4 th U.S. Medical Reenactors American Civil War Association (ACWA) Austrian Grey & Blue Reenactment Site Authentic Campaigner California Historical Artillery Society (CHAS) Civil War Reenactors Cleburnes Through the use of period correct clothing, equipment, and encampments we demonstrate to our viewing public the life and times of the southern soldier. Page updated on February 10, 2022 at 8:20 PM.
Our Organization - 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment In the 4 years of the Centennial, the . Four Canadians attained the rank of general in Union service, and twenty-nine were awarded the Medal of Honor. Concertizing in 11 states from the Potomac to the Mississippi, the 37th GVI's distinctive military brass band, fife-and-drum corps, and songsters have appeared in two award-winning movies (Glory and The Rose and the Jackal), and have made soundtracks for 7 video documentaries (The Battle of Atlanta; Bitter April: Lee's Retreat; The Battle of Ft. Pillow; History & Literature of the South; Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray; The Battle of Shiloh; and The Battle of Chickamauga).,167.html. Some companies of the First also participated in the Rich Mountain campaign.
Civil War Reenactments Were a Thing Even During the Civil War About - The Stonewall Brigade The Great War Association seeks to recreate the sights and sounds of the 20th centurys most significant conflict. On a 100-acre site near Newville, PA, the GWA has created an accurate representation of the Western Front as it was c. 1917-1918complete with trenches and a bombed-out no-mans land. A participant only event, hosted on an original battlefield, this event will feature tightly scripted and historical scenarios based upon th Join the Third MD for a weekend of living history in historic Westminster, MD. The remains of a Confederate artillery battery are located in the Potomac River park. We attend Vietnam battle reenactments and living history displays. We have chose to portray the 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Co H for Eastern theater and the 10th South Carolina in the Western theater. By Colby Johnson.
ACW Confederate Units - reenactor.Net Location: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, USA. Founded in 1981, we are primarily an infantry unit however we also have various other components including horse drawn artillery, cavalry, a full fife and drum field music, and civilian impressions. The Milton Light Artillery, Company A, is a Civil War re-enacting group based on an actual artillery unit that participated in many of Florida's major engagements, including the battles of Ocean Pond (Olustee) and Natural Bridge. Company I was accepted in state service at Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia, on 18 May, 1861, and was ordered to Harpers Ferry Virginia on the same day. | All Rights Reserved. |Site Map|Contact Us, West Virginia Reenactors Association The "Confederate Light Guards" (Co. G, 3rd Reg. I. Anyone in the Northeast can join the ranks and help these reenactors tell the stories of the soldiers who lived during this time. . The 1st Marine Division Korean War Reenacting Group has one mission: to portray the experiences of the brave men who fought in the Korean War from 1950-1953. Fort Ward Museum and Historic Site enlists the talents and knowledge of reenactors to offer numerous living history programs interpreting Civil War soldier and civilian life. Virginia Companies: 03-14-05: 1st. While headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, our membership encompasses Maryland, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. At Recollections, were passionate about historical reenactment and historical accuracy. Contact the J.E.B. is reactivated within but not restricted to the Fort Tejon Historical Association in Southern California.
Home 2nd U.S. CAVALRY Co. A & 9th VA CAVALRY Co. D Civil War Reenactment Groups - Milsurpia American Civil War History. These Regiments were two of the most renowned fighting units of the American Civil War. The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict, and, in Vietnam, the American War, occurred from March 1959 to April 30, 1975. We are a family base Civil War reenactment group out of Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. Welcome to the homepage of the 12th Texas Volunteer Infantry. Drive the tour of thePeninsula Campaign, beginning at Fort Monroe in Hampton and ending on the bloody battlefields near Richmond. Therefore, in order to stage reenactments with realistic battle ratios (generally 2:1 Northern majorities), reenactors have to be able to "galvanize" (a period term meaning joining, or in our case portraying the other side).
Reenactors disappointed with discontinuation of New Market - WHSV A combination ticket to the Yorktown Victory Center is available with the Jamestown Settlement. Sutlers offering reproductions of Civil War-era merchandise and clothing contribute to an authentic atmosphere.
The First Virginia Regiment is a Revolutionary War living history and reenactment group. The Fort Norfolk Garrison works to educate the public about the war of 1812. Furthermore, the region's dearth of railroads and canals made it difficult for the government to ship goods and to feed its troops.
Civil War Adventure Camp - Pamplin Historical Park The 12th Virginia Infantry American Civil War reenactors dedicated to providing a high degree of authenticity while honoring our ancestors. Pamplin Park is located near Petersburg, Virginia and offers highway access off Interstate 85. The British Brigade portrays the Loyalist and British companies in the Revolution. They are based in Pennsylvania, and theyre always looking for new members. The California-based ACWS is active in San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, and San Diego Counties. They even have their own magazine, the Camp Chase Gazette, which covers many fascinating details of the Civil War, including uniform lineage, reenactment on a budget, and more. Bringing the past to life. April 12 (8pm) - Lanier Mansion State Historic Site, 601 West 1st. An American Colonial Experience. The unit is dedicated to living history. HARRISONBURG, Va. - A federal grand jury in Charlottesville has indicted Gerald Leonard Drake, 63, from Winchester, Va., for mailing threatening letters, stalking, and planting a pipe bomb at the Cedar Creek Battlefield in Middletown, Virginia during a Civil War reenactment event in 2017. all over the eastern seaboard. Goes without saying. Special Events Calendar. I live in Chicago and would like to move these items on to someone who would take care of these items. 1st New Hampshire Regiment. Gen. Robert Goodrich (Hardee's Corps Chief of Staff), We are an independent Confederate artillery reenactment and live-fire battery based. Related topics: American Civil War. Muster in the Mountains | White Mountains, New Hampshire. Suggestions? Civil War: Uniforms, US and Confederate Armies, c.1895 Giclee Print. However, that said, we still play now and then and are very comfortable with this. Login with username, password and session length. March 11 - 13, 2022 . We are accepting new members who wish to reenact, not fight, the Civil War. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Since the core of our unit lives in the Northern Neck and where the Crossroads of the Civil War . We do living histories and reenactments in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and other states in the east.
Reenactment Groups | Civil War Reenactors Pathfinder The Stonewall brigade was formed in 1980 by the 4th Virginia Company A and the 33rd Virginia Company E. Since 1980 the 2nd Virginia Co. A, 2nd Virginia Co. E, 5th Virginia Co. A, 27th Virginia Co. C, 27th Virginia Co. D, 33rd Virginia Co. A, and 33rd Virginia Co. H have at various times formed part of the brigade. 2. Trails stops uncover the often desperate action in the great breadbasket, the Valley of Virginia. The 2nd U.S. Cavalry, Co. A/9th Regiment Virginia Cavalry, Co. D is a mounted reenactment and living history group dedicated to portraying U.S. The Civil War Reenactors have been around since 1996. Activates category 2 section on 'Solar' page layout (e.g., Reenactment Camp Battle Civil war. The Black Horse Cavalry has participated in reenactments throughout Virginia and has been part of the Civil War's sesquicentennial events from South Carolina to New York. Weve broken this list down by historical period, and weve numbered the societies to make this easy to read. There are arms book, knives, and over 70 hardbound reference books. Also see Civil War Traveler for a comprehensive list of Civil War reenactments, commemorations, and other events taking place throughout the U.S. in 2014 and 2015. The South's weak infrastructure also affected Confederate military strategy. The Third Maryland is a member of a larger organization. The Stonewall Brigade is a progressive/authentic campaigner reenacting group dedicated to portraying the common Confederate infantryman.
Civil War Unit Reenactment Links Be polite and be constructive. Wisconsin 2 nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry 42 nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Using authentic period equipment, we survey battlefields before the reenactments. I would like to know is there someone who needs to expand their collection and purchase the entire collection of what I have. The orders may be to double quick to the front and throw out a skirmish line while the main body comes up behind. We are a group who like re-enactment and living history. American Civil War Reenactment Groups. The First is the oldest and largest Union reenacting group in West Virginia. x 31.5 in. 1st Maryland Calvary, Company A & E (CSA), 1st Pennsylvania Rifles, Company G (The Bucktails), 10th Pennsylvania Volunteer Reserve Corps, Company G, 11th Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers, Company H, 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 87th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company B, 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company A (the Greene County Rifles), 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company D. Create a free website or blog at Though weather ultimately canceled the parade, the spirit of patriotism and history lived on, and The National Regiment was born. Our family oriented unit strives for authenticity, proficiency in the manual of arms and drill of the period, firearms safety, and most importantly, presenting a historically accurate portrayal of a Virginia volunteer in the Army of Northern Virginia. Historical Films Group of Media Magic Production Civil War Films.
Home | ACWA The 1st North Carolina Cavalry Regiment/6th and 2nd United States Cavalry Regiment is a Civil War Reenactment Organization of men, women and children who are dedicated to reenacting, in a historically accurate manner, the "American Civil War". We have the honor of being the first unit to be allowed to fire at Appomattox NPS site since the end of the war. Location: East Coast and Mid-Atlantic, USA
The Stonewall Brigade - An Authentic Civil War Living History Association The Brigade is a proud member of the Southern Division. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. The North West Territory Alliance is an American Revolution reenactment group that works primarily out of Illinois, though their events can be found all over the Midwest. We participate in a variety of events from Georgia to Pennsylvania including battle reenactments, living histories, and ceremonies. Hi We still have many of the old links up, as it is a process to do a lot of them. The Third Maryland is a Union Infantry reenacting group centralized in Maryland. Join one of the oldest and most authentic reenactment units in the field, based upon the book One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry by John H. Worsham. 2023 When the map is complete it is presented to the Southern overall battlefield commander for use in placing artillery, infantry, and lanes of Southern Cavalry attack. If youve traveled to Virginia to experience an exciting Civil War reenactment or to learn about Civil War battles in Virginia, youre on the right track. When Robert E. Lee decided to take the war to the north in the summer of 1863, an estimated 50,000 men deserted. d. FORT POINT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE LIVING HISTORY DAY AT AN ACTUAL CIVIL WAR FORT Hosted by Co. G, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry S aturday, February 25, 2023 0900 - 1600 If your site doesn't have a Weebly "Blog" page, then create a new "Blog" page. We are pleased to inform all our viewers that "12" important Rhode Island Civil War Veterans and nationally known Pre-Civil War Social-Political Activists were selected. Civil War battles in Virginia are frequently scheduled for reenactment for the enjoyment and education of visitors, and the year 2006 marks the 225th anniversary of the Siege of Yorktown, the important Civil War Virginia battle that ended the Revolutionary War. A Civil War Reenactment is the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. 24-26 February: Winter Quarters (Dillsburg, PA Closed to Public), 15-16 April: Spring Drill (Madison County, VA Closed to Public), 5-7 May: 160th Chancellorsville Living History at 1781 Brewing Co. (Spotsylvania, VA), 22-25 June: Acts of Valor 160th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg (Gettysburg, PA), 28-30 July: Receding Tide (Sharpsburg, MD Closed to Public), 26 August: Living History at The Winery at Bull Run (Centreville, VA), 14-15 October: 160th Bristoe Station Living History at Bristoe Station Battlefield (Bristow, VA). Visit the battlefield at Sailor's Creek, where Lee lost a substantial part of his army, and explore the 1864 Wilson/Kautz Raid, as well as the critical battle at Lynchburg.
9th Virginia 199th U.S. Light Infantry Brigade (Mid-Atlanitc, East Coast USA) We portray Continental Army troops from the State of Virginia from 1775 through 1783. The Second Regiment Kentucky Infantry, Orphan Brigade, Inc., is a fully tax-exempt and non-profit organization consisting of persons portraying military and civilian personages of the Civil War era who are dedicated to the cause of preserving battlefield and other sites significant to the Civil War; to a historically correct interpretation of said era through participation in public reenactments and living history events; and to the commemoration of all the heroic sacrifices endured by the combatants, as well as by non-combatants,respectively sympathetic to either the interest of the individual States, the Confederate States of America, or the United States of America. Most of us have our roots in airsoft gaming, but have for various reasons moved on to re-enactment/living history. Hundreds of Trails' interpretive signs give visitors the chance to explore Virginia's back roads, learning some history while driving and walking through some of the most beautiful landscapes anywhere.
West Virginia Reenactors Association - WVRA var year = today.getFullYear()
BRINGING HISTORY ALIVE CIVIL WAR REENACTMENTS IN WISCONSIN - Madison . 1st Foot Guards. Activates category 3 section on 'Solar' page layout (e.g., Activates category 1 section on 'Solar' page layout (e.g., We specialize in living history for Veterans reunions, museums and historical sites. They reenact this battle annually now, and the program has expanded enough to offer awards to different members of the group. Welcome. Saturday: Gates Open at 9am and Activities Close at 5pm, Battle of Cedar Creek Reenactment at 2pm Sunday: Gates Open at 9am and Close at 2pm, Battle of 2nd Manassas Reenactment at 1pm. Battlefield Maps Most reenactments will also have the opportunity to view the . Camps open at 10:00 am. Explore Virginia's Civil War History. Another great Civil War reenactment even in Virginia not to miss is the Civil War Virginia reenactment at the Laurel Hill Encampment in Ararat, VA during the month of October. Our unit formed in late 1999 and is mainly based in the Mid-Atlantic region of the east coast. We may be held in reserve; ready to move at a moments notice to where ever we are needed. When you post your kit, it's open for discussion. It was an annoying historical . Between 1861-1865, approximately 50,000 subjects of Her Majesty Queen Victoria left the Dominion of Canada to enlist in America's bloody civil conflict. Contact Information - Eddie Sullivan, 205-792-2362 or at
American Civil War Reenactment Groups - Living History archive Bloodless Battles: The Civil War Reenacted - JSTOR Supported by a variety of programming venues, each Adventure Camp is customized to match the age, skills and knowledge level of your group. We invite you to come out and experience Civil War Reenacting for a day with one of the most experienced groups in the hobby. Members are passionate about reenacting the Florida War of 1835-1842, which is now known as the 2nd Seminole War. The war was fought between the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and its communist allies and the US-supported Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). Among the more fulfilling events on our resume, are the living histories we take part in on the Gettysburg battlefield, Sharpsburg battlefield, Fort Moultrie site, and Appomattox National Historic Park. The 24th Georgia's goal is to properly portray a northern Georgia soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV). COMPANY HISTORY. This infantry served in many forts like Fort York, Fort George, and Fort Erie, and participated in many battles and skirmishes. Get hands-on with history in Virginia as you hear stories, read accounts, and see reenactments of life during the Civil War. We hope you are able to find a good home for these historical items! Brooksville Raid Reenactment - Brooksville, FL. F Company Overview. The fledgling government also faced the task of procuring shoes, clothing, and blankets for soldiers at a time when wool and leather were scarce. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Documents Welcome to the home of the 47th Virginia Infantry, Co. Top, how to get to arlington cemetery from white house.
Civil War reenactments grow in popularity in wake of 2020 protests Contact: Ryan Rentschler at, 18th Surgical Hospital (Womens Army Nursing Corps), Location: Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Militaria Magazine -- One of the very best publications World-WIDE, Militaria specializes in Militaria!
Civil War Reenactment Gettysburg 2017 - YouTube Calendar of Military Reenactments and Living History Displays Specifically, the group demonstrates what it was like to serve in the Royal Sussex Regiment. 3. Delta Troop (Air) 1/4 Cavalry 1st Infantry Division
REENACTORS LIVING IN HISTORIC VIRGINIA. Copyright Recollections | All Rights Reserved, I. American Revolutionary War Reenactment Societies, V. Spanish-American War Reenactment Societies, The Burning of the Valleys Military Association. Company I, "Cherokee Rangers", is the Head Quarters company, and primarily draws its members from the N. Alabama and S. Tennessee areas. Home; . A Civil War Reenactment will have various units such as artillery, cavalry, or infantry units. This unfortunate necessity has actually helped the hobby because it gives the reenactors a broader perspective of the war and it lets the public know that we are primarily concerned with historical accuracy rather than becoming a part of any "radical fringe element.". Film Makers. All Rights Reserved U.S. Our members come from various parts of the country to include Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. Our primary mission is the historical preservation of our nation's Civil War history and to honor our ancestors who fought, and died, during the Civil War to preserve the United States. Below you will find the Websites of different Civil War reenactment groups in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Authentic Confederate Civil War Reenactors - Facebook These awards are recognitions given to individual members of the association, and the group can even provide scholarships. Also keep in mind that for young children Civil War reenactment can often seem like the real thing, so either prepare them for what they may see or have them stay at home. On 28 February and 6 March the Confederate Congress gave the president control over military operations and the power to muster state forces and volunteers. The society believes that for reenactments to be accurate, both sides of the conflict must be represented in a historically accurate manner.
Reenactment - Fort Pocahontas About Us - NCHRS Lincoln Group of New York Management and Preservation Organizations General Meade Society of Philadelphia . and the Holte Cabin, a Civil War-era cabin the reenactment group helped reconstruct on the center's grounds. The Society is clear about its condemnation of neo-Nazism and the fact that the Society only seeks historical accuracy in reenactment. We are deep in history and strive to keep it alive. The 19th Virginia, Co. B is a Civil War reenacting group that is dedicated to the preservation of the history of the Civil War and the story of the common soldier during the War. Women are not generally found in combat positions, since this was not the practice during WWII; however, Red Army units do have women in combat positions, which is historically accurate.